That is too cute!!
Bear and Jon Snow
blue silkie and sumatra
one week and one month

Jon was the only egg in his clutch to hatch. I put him in with some EE's that hatched the day before. The grew much faster and cared little for Jon. Bear's clutch hatched 3 weeks later and after two days, they were the same size. The silkies were more appropriate brood mates. The whites and partridges went to a corner together when I put them in the brooder. Bear, the only blue, went right to Jon and tethered itself. Birds of a feather...

Bear and Jon Snow
blue silkie and sumatra
one week and one month

Jon was the only egg in his clutch to hatch. I put him in with some EE's that hatched the day before. The grew much faster and cared little for Jon. Bear's clutch hatched 3 weeks later and after two days, they were the same size. The silkies were more appropriate brood mates. The whites and partridges went to a corner together when I put them in the brooder. Bear, the only blue, went right to Jon and tethered itself. Birds of a feather...

Awww! That is adorable!
Bear and Jon are one cute couple!
Jack and Jill
Both only 3months old.
Gold Laced Orp Bantams.
Jack and Jill are both GLOB's, We hatched them off at home at the same time out of unrelated stock.. Both Show stock. They are the best of friends, never leave sight of one and other :).


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