Cute Puppy pictures


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Central Iowa
We took our puppy Tucker to puppy playtime at Petco a few weeks ago and the pet photgrapher was there. She totally fell in love with him so she insisted on taking his picture. She then had us bring in the rest of the litter the next day. She gaves us the pictures for free - in return I am letting her use them on her web site.

Tucker - AKA "Trouble"


Bubba, Tucker and Sparky


There are three more puppies but one was terrified, one had already jumped out of the tub and the third was at her new home.
We took our puppy Tucker to puppy playtime at Petco a few weeks ago and the pet photgrapher was there. She totally fell in love with him so she insisted on taking his picture.

When I first read this I thought to myself -- sucker.....

Then I read this and thought out load -- lucky.....

She then had us bring in the rest of the litter the next day. She gave us the pictures for free - in return I am letting her use them on her web site.

Those puppies are so cute, and I just love the momma...
Bubba and Misty went to live in Illinois this week. That just leaves Sparky and Putt- Putt - the really fat rolly polly tan and white one left to find homes.
They are "cavachons" designer breed to some ,mutts to others

Dad is our cavalier king charles spaniel and mom is our bichon.

Tucker has the focus and laid back personality of dad but enough of mom's bichon spazziness that I am hoping I can train him for agility someday down the road.

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