Cystadenocarcinomas in Laying Hens - Graphic pictures

I was wondering if even your hybrid birds would be more prone as well...(Sex Links, Golden Comets, Red Stars, etc) they are genetically bred to lay bigger eggs,longer times......mmm?

I suppose they would be. They're not the exact strains used in commercial egg production (though they're probably descended from such), but they'd lay nearly as many eggs and have nearly the same related reproductive problems.
We put down a hen today and performed a necropsy. She presented with the same exact results shown in the pictures. I'm adding to this post because the article mentioned very little information being available for older hens plus the study was on commercial laying hens between 2-4 years old raised in commercial conditions.

Our hen was a 7 year old Buff Orpington/Barnevelder cross. She was the first chick hatched by one of our first year broody hens. The parents were a little over 1 year old (Orp hen/Barnvelder roo). I purchased them from a local farm that operated a small hatchery so they were not your classic hatchery birds. These birds were raised from day 1 on organic whole grain feed (Scratch n' Peck in Washington). We used nipple waterers so no dirty water ever. We used the deep litter method in the coop - there was never a moisture build, smell, etc... What I'm getting at is these birds were treated quite well and lived in an optimal environment - including a large, well-ventilated coop and a large fenced area - we used electronet so the fence was moved periodically to gain them access to fresh ground (we lived in a woodland setting). We never experienced any illnesses, diseases, etc...

When she first presented symptoms - tail feathers down, abdomen bloated - I thought she was egg bound and proceeded to have her soak in warm water and then gloved up and tried to feel around for the egg. I did this a few times but could never feel an egg. She was lethargic and not eating and her breath was labored. She was pooping but there was no egg yolk, so I ruled out that the egg had burst inside her. I thought she would not make it through the night. The next day she seemed "better" in that she was eating, hanging out with the flock, tail wasn't dragging but she was still quite bloated. Her comb never turned pale - it was bright red.
I thought then maybe she had ascites and that was what was causing the bloating but couldn't find much about it that fit her particular set of circumstances. Most of it seemed to related to heat stress and young broilers.

She waddled about but seemed to be ok so we decided to wait on putting her down. Two days ago she started going downhill - breath labored again, loss of appetite, sleeping all day and her comb was getting a little purple and flopped over. By this morning her wings were dragging and she was barely able to move so we decided it was time.

Again - just documenting our situation just in case the info might be useful to someone.
Sadly, my fav 6 yr old hen, Precious died of this yesterday. I orig thought water belly or internal laying. She stopped laying in spring but always had a healthy appetite. She remained top hen even when she could no longer run. She hobbled to greet me each day but spent more & more time resting under her fav tree as the summer progressed. Now in fall, her abdomen was extremely enlarged, the penguin stance was the norm, and I began to see her use her wings to steady herself as she waddled.


Precious was part of our family and enjoyed her spot as top & elder hen. She was never a high production hen but her attention-seeking personality made us love her nonetheless. Her eggs were large with those dark golden yolks. At 1 yr old she ripped a nail (It grew back) and she had a case of bumble foot about 3 years ago. Otherwise, she was a healthy barnyard mix. Our flock has basic chicken feed but also free ranges during the day. They get kitchen veggie scraps a couple times a week. No other hens have had this.

RIP my dear, sweet Precious.

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