Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

What do you mean about being surprised you got a drake? Were you meaning to get something else and got that by accident?

I just meant i was hoping to gain a blue fawn drake but this isn't a drive thru you get what you get, so was happy to gain what i wanted, that doesn't happen all the time when your hatching your own, buying it is more controllable especially if you purchase birds old enough to know their sexes.
If you need to get rid of a female, and she's bonded with humans, do you think we could talk about doing a trade or a purchase of some kind? I'm at wit's end...I interviewed for an office job that doesn't allow pets on the property and I've had no luck finding a ducksitter. Wobbles needs a playmate. :/

I'm sorry your having such a time, unfortunately, i am not even in the US... maybe in the spring you will have more luck, any rescues around you? it's hard i know personally my calls stopped laying ages ago, as a matter of fact none returned to laying after all the babies hatched.
I don't know the answer to that and would like to find out. My focus on genetics in ducks has been almost entirely around the ones that control colors and patterns. I've actually tried to find an answer to why their cheeks are chubby and never really found anything. My guess is that the cheeks are a by-product of the breeding for a rounded, high-crowned head rather than the oval heads of most ducks with a more gradual slope from the bill, kind of like rounding the head made the cheeks puff out. Like I said, though, that's completely a guess, so please let me know if you find the correct answer :)
I feel it's a plausible scenario you present, Jade. The rounder little head's structure may just be the reason the cheek feathers puff out.
No, none that have waterfowl. And even then I couldn't take any of them in since they'd 99.9% be likely to be outdoor ducks. I'm resolved to the fact that I'm gonna have to wait until springtime, in fact I may have a chocolate bibbed egg with my name on it! I guess I'm just antsy since between non-vet related job offers and Wobbles' own well being, I worry. A lot.
I understand, i think the fact calls laying season is so short is not helping you at all. You need a young bird, clearly as well. Have you consider another bantam breed?
I have shown him before but i have just dubbed him 'blue' for now lol

He looks like a BF to me. It's really neat to get something you were hoping for but not expecting. Are you going to breed him with the BF ducks? You could get some nice pastels from that
I understand, i think the fact calls laying season is so short is not helping you at all. You need a young bird, clearly as well. Have you consider another bantam breed?
TBH, not really...I know I'm being stubborn and perhaps a bit irrational but I'm dead set on another call duck. I'm in love with them, if I get another high quality one I won't have to worry about different sized diapers, and there could be the possibility of babies in the future. :3

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