Daily Duck Egg Report for 2015

One more this morning from our early bird, I'll have to check when I get home later and see if our lazy duck has managed to get around to laying another.

I definitely have enough to make omelettes this weekend. Nom.
One more this morning from our early bird, I'll have to check when I get home later and see if our lazy duck has managed to get around to laying another.

I definitely have enough to make omelettes this weekend. Nom.
Enjoy, if it wasn't for my chickens I'd be at the grocery store for eggs
I am new to having ducks. I am still waiting for my 1st egg. I have only had the ducks for 4 months and I have read that when it gets cold and less sunlight then they will not lay. is that totally true? i live in northern ohio. I do not want to give them light to force laying just wondering if am going to have to wait until spring for my 1st egg.
Well if your ducks are 4 months that way too young to lay you have about 4 to 2 more months to go. and some people have ducks lay year round, and others don't it all depends on the duck.
I am new to having ducks.  I am still waiting for my 1st egg.  I have only had the ducks for 4 months and I have read that when it gets cold and less sunlight then they will not lay.  is that totally true? i live in northern ohio.  I do not want to give them light to force laying just wondering if am going to have to wait until spring for my 1st egg.

Hello fellow northern Ohioan =]

Yes, you'll have to wait until spring at least, but not because of lighting or anything like that, but because your ducks aren't old enough to lay yet, unless they were adults when you got them. It will be worth the wait though. Fresh duck eggs are delicious. I never want to go back to store bought, haha.
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I am new to having ducks. I am still waiting for my 1st egg. I have only had the ducks for 4 months and I have read that when it gets cold and less sunlight then they will not lay. is that totally true? i live in northern ohio. I do not want to give them light to force laying just wondering if am going to have to wait until spring for my 1st egg.
I just got my 4 month old ducks, had them for a few weeks, so they are about 5 months now. Mine just started laying! I keep mine in the garage for warmth and i keep the garage light on for a few hours past the sunset. I did hear the same myth about the darkness and egg laying, but i purely keep the light on so i can go and spend time with them as it's dark by the time I get home from work.
Yes they are older. I cant wait! my wife on the other hand does not care much for our pet ducks, but hopefully once she has some eggs she will changed her tune haha.
Yes they are older. I cant wait! my wife on the other hand does not care much for our pet ducks, but hopefully once she has some eggs she will changed her tune haha.
I bet she will. They're so yummy! My pekin duck stopped laying when we moved her to our house last fall, totally understandable, but what finally got her laying again was when I put three golf balls in her little nest area. She still tucks them in every night when she goes inside. You might try that? Also, it really depends on the breed and the individual duck. Mine has laid an egg a day all through win timer, but I know a lot of ducks take a break in the winter.
We only got one egg today, from our early bird. Maybe when the late layer lays again it will be at the proper time of day! I still have no idea which duck is laying when, though.

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