d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

I have a Coturnix just like that Aubrey A house pet when he came here and then discovered female quail Now he is territorial with no fear of humans When he gets to bothersome during cleaning of their pen I throw him out and let the Danvers chase him
Rather than worry about this, we'll see how the 2 boys we may keep behave at maturity. If we have any aggression issues, we'll try a few solutions others have had success with. And, we'll give it some time to work. Genetics & nature may (or may not) allow for both of these boys to be "pets," but if they can be comfortably lived with, (we have no pen or tight quarters to work around in, just lots of open space) that may be fine enough. If things might still be problematic, we'd consider re-homing. For now, I'm just going to project good things, enjoy my d'Anvers, and respect whatever genetics and nature reveals in these boys in time, and work with that to the best of my ability, within reason, of course.
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yep, it's all the individual bird. The breed in general is known for aggressive males and sweet heart hens. Like Cynthia said, they kinda cancel each other out. haha

but no , once the sexual hormones start kicking in, anywhere from 4-6 months, you'll know. Some still stay nice, others could care less about you, some let you know their boss by strutting and showing off, and others will just out right pop you. No rhyme or reason, just the individuals.... Just like people... I've got some of all versions here. Most of the time as long as you keep them in front of you, they just flop and strut around, but watch those, they'll get ya if you turn your back....

but the good things is they are so small, even the meanest one doesn't have much umff to it, more of an annoyance than anything....
That makes sense, Aubrey, that there's so much variety in them, a range along the spectrum. Maybe to our advantage is that there's no true pen to work around the birds in. We're all just in a large fenced backyard, with food bowls under one bush, water bowls under another, etc.

My d'Anvers are doing great! All the ones with buff columbian coloring have now got the sparkling mille fleur white well started, while the two Flintstone-colored pullets are making me wait
to see the pretty white speckles come in. Suddenly, they all have dramatic mutton-chop muffs and beards coming in!
They are all healthy, vigorous, active, extremely friendly, and filling out to that plump, upright d'Anvers shape!
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