Dark Brahma Bantams


12 Years
Jun 6, 2007
Winston Salem, NC
Does anyone have any experience with these? My roo seems to be a dark Brahma bantam. He has a wonderful disposition so far. I love his coloring and nature. I wondered if the hens of this breed were decent layers. I'd be interested in having more of them. -Lynn
i have no idea - i just wanted to say i thought my roo was a dark brahma bantam - but it turned out he was a birchen cochin bantam
Brahmas and Cochins have different combs.
. My Buff Brahma bantam laid one egg, and then went into moult and was killed before she started laying again. I know Cyn (speckledhen) has a laying Brahma, she might be able to tell you! Atleast I think she's laying.

John Robert definitely has a triple pea comb and yellow legs. His black feathering looks a little splashy in places. I think he could be mixed with something else. Lynn
You can PM me if you have any particular questions, I have a small flock we're trying to develop into a great strain, but it's a 20 year project. As there are no really good types of the Dark Brahmas around in the PNW we are starting from scratch.

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