Dark comb normal?


7 Years
Nov 25, 2012
Liberty, TX
I've read that dark spots on a comb can be a sign of disease, and the comb in general can be a signal for health. But I've also read that Fayoumis can have dark combs. My Fayoumis Roo (he's about 32 weeks) has some darkening that is pretty recent. It looks like shadowing near the back of his comb and to the back tips. Is my Roo's comb normal looking, or is this a sign of disease? (1st 2 photos are of the same Roo...Photos of other hens and cockerel combs in my flock...all are red...just plain red.)

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Usually, dark combs are caused by poor circulation. Dark combs often occur in breeds of chickens with large combs.
Dark combs are often caused by poor circulation, either because of a heart problem or simply because the size of the comb. Coldness can cause darkening, too, as can some diseases (Avian Influenza, Fowl Cholera, etc.). Some breeds of chicken always have purple combs, including Sebrights and Silkies. I think that your rooster's comb is just dark because his comb is large, as your flock appears healthy, and where you live it doesn't look cold.

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