Dark red, runny bloody poop (photos added)


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2021
One of my Welsummers is pooping blood - straight blood from what I can tell. Sometimes it’s solid with a lot of blood, but this last time it was just runny and I witnessed it while checking on them after they went in to roost.

I should have taken a picture, but I didn’t have my phone and now it’s lost in their bedding. I will try to add that tomorro

Shes about 15-18 weeks old and is acting completely fine. Eating, drinking, comb is nice and red.

I have already added Corid to their water, as soon as I noticed the blood I added it. But I’m curious, is there anything else it could be? Should I be worried for my girl?
Any advice is helpful!
One of my Welsummers is pooping blood - straight blood from what I can tell. Sometimes it’s solid with a lot of blood, but this last time it was just runny and I witnessed it while checking on them after they went in to roost.

I should have taken a picture, but I didn’t have my phone and now it’s lost in their bedding. I will try to add that tomorro

Shes about 15-18 weeks old and is acting completely fine. Eating, drinking, comb is nice and red.

I have already added Corid to their water, as soon as I noticed the blood I added it. But I’m curious, is there anything else it could be? Should I be worried for my girl?
Any advice is helpful!
Here are some photos.. another chicken is pooping the same way now ☹️
Day 3 of Corid and the poop of my Welsummer looks better. Still bloody though. One of my little girls, not sure of her breed, she’s still pooping the loose crimson bloody poos. 😔 they are all acting normal though.

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