Darn dog got our chicken!


9 Years
Mar 6, 2010
Where I live.
Back in 2007 our neighbor (we'll call him Bill), lost his Husky (his first dog). We got a call from some friends of ours, saying they had a stray dog running on their property. We thought it might be Bill's dog so we told him and he looked at the dog and it wasn't his Husky but Bill took the dog anyway. (We'll call the dog Spots.) So things are going great for a while, then Bill stopped feeding her (Spots). So Spots comes up to our property and chews on our garden hose, toys, and various other things. She also started killing rabbits on our property so she got the taste of blood and liked it. (of course.) We didn't have chickens at the time, but in 2008 we got some. We told Bill to keep her off our property and he did. For a while. Soon we found out by another neighbor that Spots killed ten sheep, and we saw her eat some chickens of our neighbors. Within the last month we asked Bill what was going on and he said that he lets Spots run free at night. WHAT!?!?!?! Then we found out Spots had puppies. Then all the male dogs started showing up on our property. Now today, I let my chickens out to free range and I had to leave for ten minutes. Next thing I see is my brother chasing Spots, who has one of our chickens in her mouth! My brother had to roll her over to get the chicken out of her mouth but not in time... The chicken was suffering so we had to kill her.
My mom talked to Bill, and hopefully he will now keep Spots on his propety like he said he would in the first place. Needless to say, I'm not very mad at the dog, but I am very mad at our neighbor because he was the one who was not prudent in his decision making which resulted in a loss. Our chicken who died was a good layer and the first and best mamma hen we've had.

Thanks for letting me vent! I feel a lot better now!
Sorry if I made you sick with ANOTHER chicken death story!
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So sorry for your loss.

Just in case, document the death ; date, time, witnesses and what neighbor promised to do about dog.

IF he doesn't do it (keep the dog off your property) take him to small claims court for the value of your hen, offspring she would have produced and loss of eggs she would have laid. In NY state it is only $35 to file a small claims court case and you don't need a lawyer. If your neighbor has to pay for the damages of his dog he will keep the dog home. Sometimes you have to hit people in the wallet to get their attention.
Unfortunately, I doubt that Bill will keep Spots in at night. Your chickens may need to be kept in a run until Spots is dealt with somehow (SSS, take her to the pound, call animal control if there is such a thing where you live, whatever). Hopefully I'm wrong and he'll take care of his dog.
I so sick of reading the same thing over and over about dogs killing chicken. Take care of buisness, defend your hens.The dogs not going to change, the owners not going to change, but you'll likely keep losing hens, now the dog has a taste for blood, it will be back.
I wouldn't waste my time with small claims court, and keep asking the neighbor to please control his dog, why do your have to babysit your moron neighbor and his dogs..?.....SSS.....
I would change the realm the dog inhabits. They say that in dog heaven they don't even need to kill chickens, they serve it every Tuesday and Thursday!
I agree with documenting and also giving the neighbor a bill for the loss of the chicken, the eggs etc.... Also let animal control know and maybe even the police. this neighbor needs to be held responsible for his actions!

and then there is always the SSS, the ultimate solver of your problem, until the neighbor gets another dog
Sorry for your loss.Knowing the dog was a free roamer along with other dogs you are lucky only one was killed. I don't think free ranging the chickens is a good idea when dogs are free to kill them. Given the amount of animals Spot has killed I would say trap and relocate the dog and her puppies.Kill or relocate any strays. Your neighbor will not stop letting his pets roam.
Willie this is a child maybe teenager (very well spoken child/teen) I doubt they are allowed to shoot the dog. Not all kids are raised with firearms training. if the brother was able to get the chicken away from the dog then even though the OP stepped away the hen was not completely unsupervised. Yes the dog needs lead poisoning but don't blame the kid. They were trying to be responsible. I just can't believe the sheep owners have killed her.

OP talk to you parents about possibly shooting the dog. It can and eventually will turn against humans. If not shoot her get a large live trap and get rid of her!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT TRY AND TAKE A KILL OUT OF HER MOUTH AGAIN!!! It worked this time BUT next time she may attack over it.
Willie this is a child maybe teenager (very well spoken child/teen) I doubt they are allowed to shoot the dog. Not all kids are raised with firearms training. if the brother was able to get the chicken away from the dog then even though the OP stepped away the hen was not completely unsupervised. Yes the dog needs lead poisoning but don't blame the kid. They were trying to be responsible. I just can't believe the sheep owners have killed her.

OP talk to you parents about possibly shooting the dog. It can and eventually will turn against humans. If not shoot her get a large live trap and get rid of her!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT TRY AND TAKE A KILL OUT OF HER MOUTH AGAIN!!! It worked this time BUT next time she may attack over it.

The most important thing here is your safety and your brother's safety. Do not approach the dog if it is starving and killing something to eat. If it is that hungry it is very likely to defend it's meal and you could be badly injured.
Call Animal Control, Sheriff, Police, someone who can help.

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