Darned neighbors dogs!


Scribe of Brahmalot
12 Years
May 18, 2009
I have lost two chickens in the past week and rescued one of my girls literally from the jaws of a new dog in the neighborhood. Now there seem to be two new dogs that look identical to each other, big red pit bull types. They have been coming around for about a week now and I'm just sick about it! I would love to do the SSS, but they are too darned fast! By the time I see them, they see me and run away before I can react. It is just wrong, wrong, wrong, that people don't take care of their own animals and let them wander the neighborhood. Animal Control will only come out if I can trap the dogs, and then they will come within a couple of days. I'm not going to get close enough to these big brutes to even try! If I shoot one and injure it, then I'm in trouble for animal cruelty.

My chickens look to me for their safety, and I'm not able to protect them right now. I'm so angry and frustrated! Sooner or later hubby is going to have to dig a big hole or two!

Meanwhile, the one girl I rescued is pretty much skinned alive, but is recovering. She will be a house chicken for a long, long time before she can go outside. I shudder to think what a rooster mounting her would do to her right now.
I know the feeling. Do you know which neighbors harmed your chicken? If so I'd contact them.

For the two new brutes, I would dig the big holes now. Get a leg trap or 2 and SSS.

In most places I know of, it is against the law for dogs to worry livestock.
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I know the feeling. Do you know which neighbors harmed your chicken? If so I'd contact them.

For the two new brutes, I would dig the big holes now. Get a leg trap or 2 and SSS.

In most places I know of, it is against the law for dogs to worry livestock.
I don't know yet - but I will. The chickens are locked up until this problem is solved one way or another.
I have ZERO, NONE, NADDA, ZILCH, NO tolerance for dogs that run loose. I lived in rural Illinois for about 10 years. I just kept a loaded gun on a rack by the back door.
I suggest you petition the county to just eliminate animal control sounds like a big waste of tax payers dollars if they do not come to the call of dogs running loose. What are they waiting for? A child to be seriously injured or worse?

Shoot and offer sympathies later.

I'm a huge dog lover. I have two now I wouldn't trade for anything. I have never been without at least one dog, that being said, I have never just opened the door, gate whatever and let my dogs run loose. I can also say that I can only think of one time that a dog got out of my control. I feel the same way about keeping dogs as I do about keeping chickens if you can't afford or won't properly contain them then you shouldn't have them.

I have to add one more thing, people who just let their dogs run the countryside IMHO don't give two hoots about them anyway.
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Tractor & Supply also has pretty big box traps for sale now, they seem to be for coyotes, but you can catch a pretty good sized dog in them. If you can't get close enough to SSS or set leghold traps because of other animals, it might be something to consider. They aren't that tough so a big dog could chew its way out given time, so I'd only set it up when you can watch it so you can take care of the animal asap.
I just came back from driving up and down a couple of streets. No sign of them. All I saw was a HUGE diamondback rattlesnake sunning in the street, much larger than the one we shot in my coop last winter! I may get the trap from Tractor Supply. That way at least either Animal Control will have to come out or I will have an easier target to shoot.
P.S. Animal Control told me to take a picture of them ravaging my chickens and then shoot them!
I have ZERO, NONE, NADDA, ZILCH, NO tolerance for dogs that run loose. I lived in rural Illinois for about 10 years. I just kept a loaded gun on a rack by the back door.
I suggest you petition the county to just eliminate animal control sounds like a big waste of tax payers dollars if they do not come to the call of dogs running loose. What are they waiting for? A child to be seriously injured or worse?

Shoot and offer sympathies later.

I'm a huge dog lover. I have two now I wouldn't trade for anything. I have never been without at least one dog, that being said, I have never just opened the door, gate whatever and let my dogs run loose. I can also say that I can only think of one time that a dog got out of my control. I feel the same way about keeping dogs as I do about keeping chickens if you can't afford or won't properly contain them then you shouldn't have them.

I have to add one more thing, people who just let their dogs run the countryside IMHO don't give two hoots about them anyway.

Actually, I wouldn't even offer sympathies. If the dogs are killing, or even chasing livestock, they are fair game. Here in Ohio at least they are. AND, the owner pays any damages and you don't owe the owner a single cent for their dispatched dog or their hurt feelings.
I'm so sorry for your troubles. I also have zero tolerance policy. I had dogs for 30 years and mine were contained 24/7. I spent the necessary money (and trust me, we have always had very little of it) to keep mine in a fence because I cared about my dogs and I cared that other people enjoy their own property without interference from my animals. If they are roaming, the owners don't care, period. If they say they do, they're fooling themselves. Hope you get the dogs.
Actually, I wouldn't even offer sympathies. If the dogs are killing, or even chasing livestock, they are fair game. Here in Ohio at least they are. AND, the owner pays any damages and you don't owe the owner a single cent for their dispatched dog or their hurt feelings.

Law is the same in Missouri and most other states.
Livestock is one's livelihood not dogs.

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