What was supposed to be a 15-20 minute power nap today turned into a 3 hour nap. I feel like I could lay down now and sleep again. It seems like sleep is either feast or famine. I'd really just like a steady balance diet of sleep and rest and work.
Going to take my nightly meds now and hope for a repeat of last night. Lots to do tomorrow. Time is running out for some of them. The calendar keeps right on ticking the time frame days off.
I’m really not doing well at all. 😭😭😭

Might actually disappear for a bit. Idk yet. But don’t panic if I do.
Wouldn't it make you feel better to find someone to talk to about something fun as in baking, grilling, hiking, etc. Chase out the bad by putting in good and happy things. We all have to do a certain amount of that. Those that always talk the most about being happy sometimes are the least happy. Wish I had a magic potion for you but I simply do not. We to struggle to survive with the costs of fuel, food, clothes, etc. The basics of life have gotten out of hand for millions of us now.
I got enough to function today. All the tomatoes are trellised up. That wasn't easy even with two of us working at it. Tomorrow we have to dig the rest of the potatoes and move chickens from a brooder coop to a grow out coop. Somehow I have to find time to mow 4 acres.
Oh that’s good!!!!
Wouldn't it make you feel better to find someone to talk to about something fun as in baking, grilling, hiking, etc. Chase out the bad by putting in good and happy things. We all have to do a certain amount of that. Those that always talk the most about being happy sometimes are the least happy. Wish I had a magic potion for you but I simply do not. We to struggle to survive with the costs of fuel, food, clothes, etc. The basics of life have gotten out of hand for millions of us now.
Yeah that’s a good point!!! Isolating won’t do me any good. That’s for sure. I even thought about skipping the Club tomorrow and on Saturday, Monday, etc. and you all know how much I LOVE that. I’m just in a mood I guess but I need to SNAP OUT OF IT lol I’m working on that part. I think I’ll stay here and chat lol
Yeah that’s a good point!!! Isolating won’t do me any good. That’s for sure. I even thought about skipping the Club tomorrow and on Saturday, Monday, etc. and you all know how much I LOVE that. I’m just in a mood I guess but I need to SNAP OUT OF IT lol I’m working on that part. I think I’ll stay here and chat lol

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