Hard to believe that. You're in wisconsin with unfrozen soil.
What's the name of that river back there?
I’m actually in Massachusetts hahah but still somewhat unbelievable even for here. We’ve had a very mild winter. Hardly any snow at all. Mostly rain. That river is called the Jones River. 😁 it’s not very big but it connects to the ocean just down to the left a bit
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It's very cool you must have some really good fishing there and that looks like a perfect spot for your garden
For sure! There’s tons of fish around. And I hope it will be! We’ve grown there before and it usually does really well. Gets plenty of sun, etc. 😁 I plan on putting the squash and cucumbers down closer to the edge of the yard. That way they can grow down towards the water and sun and not get in the way or ruin the yard lol and then I can plant everything else in the actual garden and have plenty of room for everything. 😁🥰 the lettuce and other greens will be going in pots I think as it’s just easier that way but we’ll see. The peppers I think I will do a mix of pots and in ground. The beans, peas, and tomatoes will be in ground too although I believe one of the beans is a container variety so I might put it in a pot too.
This thing is seriously useful lol


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