Day 10: Tell us how your hens like their Oyster Strong™ System feed. *To be eligible to win you must

They're chowing it down. I went through a full feeder in a day when normally it takes 3 or 4 days for them to finish off that amount of other food. Must be good stuff.
My chickens seem to love Purina diet. When I go into the coop to open the door to allow them to free-range, several come back in with me and wait for me to shake their feeder as the pellets seem to get stuck at times. Then my girls stay a while and eat more before going outside. They also love the crumbles and empty that feeder more often. Perhaps it's because I have 7 youngsters of one year old, and the older girls are used to pellets. Since beginning the food 2 weeks ago, I have not gotten any soft shelled eggs as I was before with one hen. I will keep you posted if this continues. Also, previously, one RIR consistently lay her egg in the poop tray. This has not happened since beginning the new diet. I don't know if it is related to the food or just a coincidence.
My hens love it! They greet me every time I feed them and won't even look up until they're satisfied.
I was hoping this would help a girl who isn't laying at all, but no success. Oh, well.

How long has it been? I noticed shell changes in about a week or so..but started getting eggs from every hen in a pen that I was lucky to see 3 eggs a week total from 4 hens after about 17 days.. (I started the 'challenge' a little early )
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My girls love the do my dogs :) the shells of their eggs are so strong I dropped one on the counter and it didn't even crack!
My hens love it. They rush me when I'm feeding them, and I find they go right for the food. They eat it all up, and I have far less waste. They love both the Layena Pellets and the Omega-3 pellets, and I love feeding them food they love!
My girls love the do my dogs :) the shells of their eggs are so strong I dropped one on the counter and it didn't even crack!

That's so funny you say that..I incubate a lot (ok, well most) of the eggs laid here.. if they are quitters in the first 7-10 I let my 6 year old throw them into the compost pile and my dogs think this is the greatest game ever..see who can get to the busted egg first.. well yesterday was candle day and I took about 12 out and gave them to my son..about 10 out of the 12 just bounced and rolled.. he picked several back up and threw them even harder straight down at the ground and they acted like a tennis ball..bounce and roll.. he finally took them to the driveway and busted them on rocks for the dogs.. insane what a difference :)
My hens love the food. THey actually go through it slower, as I believe it fills them up more and just all around more nutritional.

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