Day 16, I see air sack and black but no vains?

Yep, I would leave it in the incubator too. Lots of my eggs will just candle mostly black with just one end with the air cell showing. Don't worry so much about the veins and not seeing them. It sounds like it is fine and there is nothing you can do at this point except let it keep growing!
Good luck with them.
What do you mean the "dark spot" is bigger? By now there shouldn't be any "dark spot"....there should be an almost full size chick in it.

I believe the chick is going to be the "dark spot".

I agree. I think the word "spot" has been misused here
This 'thing' is dark because the light doesn't go through chick's body. And it's bigger because the chick's growing
I have 56 eggs in lockdown and the ones I can barely see through look just like that. They always look like it with a chick inside.

And remember! 21 days can really mean 25, so don't panic, leave the bator closed and find something to do. Sometimes they are very late, sometimes early, but you'll feel really bad if you don't just stay back and wait and lose your chicks because of panic. Just thought I'd put that out, since I have a feeling you may be coming back to say they didn't hatch. LOL

Good luck!
I am on day 20 of my very first hatch and from I can see of your picture, that's what mine looked like at day 16. Some i could see veins some I couldn't. But when I have found quitters it has been very obvious that something is not right.
I have just been reassuring myself that, If they are all looking similar at the same stage of incubation then the odds are that they are fine. But I have tried to make sure I saw some sort of movement albeit how small, and I have even in the ones where no veins could be seen! Keep us posted!
You should be on lockdaow with a chick ready to come into this world. Sit on your hands is the first thing you need to do, the more you try to help now won't work. Go fishing, shopping or visit a friend. If you are old enough have a stiff drink or two, but let Mother Nature take charge, she knows best.
Hiya as promised candled my 6 SL polish eggs and 5 I could see veins but only slightly, but also movement.... 1 I saw no veins and no movement, but I wont give up on it as it could just be a large chick... Keep me posted on your little one, lockdown tomorrow so thursday fingers crossed for some fuzzy butts, and fingers crossed for your chick on friday

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