Day 20 need reassurance

The three that had question marks were suspect anyway. I have some older hens that I decided to try and get some chicks out of if I could. Each time they always seem to be the issues. Their eggs are starting to get older henish and probably not ones you'd pick to incubate anyway except if you're just specifically trying to get some babies out of those hens. I don't know. I'm new to this (hatching). I've been reading a lot and trying my best. The first time I set 22 and this time I set 22. Last time I got 12 this time I got 14🤷🏼‍♀️ There is just so much conflicting information on opposite ends of the spectrum I try to learn everything I can and put it together with reasoning and personal experience I guess.
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The set up. Holding 18 right now. Mama hen box is 2x2 but also it's at about 84 roof top. So some like it there too. Itty bittys like the cave. As they get a few days older the roof is preferred. We'll raise the hight in a few days.


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I don't normally use a heat lamp at all. That's is specifically for handling and inspecting the first few days so there's no ambient chill. I had just got done and it helped with picture lighting. We keep the windows open this time of year. Hence the poly sides temporarily too.
That room goes from about 50/55 to 70 everyday so I control the chill for a few days until they know what to do. The light is way too strong for chicks. It's for my hair 🤣 It keeps their floor at 78 at that distance. I promise that thing goes up after about 3 days and only goes on when I'm with them.
The way I've got their box set up it stays pretty comfortable. But if I'm going to open the lid I cut the heat lamp on just to keep the chill out of that spot.
Everything looked so good on day 18. I did put two layers of that stuff down. Last time my eggs would rock if I had to just move the incubator a little bit to get a look in the back. They barely wiggle when I do it now. But the stillness on day 20 is driving me crazy. Now I'm thinking why didn't I just remove the turner and put the lid back on.
They'll be fine, don't worry.
it's normal for to first chick to knocks egg around, its usually not a problem.
Last time I had one that had a little bit of blood around its pip like it might have hit a vein when it pipped. But it was still fine and moving around in there and I figured it would rest a while in the vein would dry. Until about six of them were hatched and it was getting kicked around like crazy. It died. That was why I put the soft stuff in there this time. I felt like if it could have been left alone for a while it would have been okay.
I set on Saturday. Tomorrow is hatch day. But last time by today I had some rocking in the morning. Not sure I'd see it because of my liners I put in there. At some point I heard peeping and by the end of day 20 I had five pips. Not at all in the danger zone. I started this one an hour earlier than the last one so if I could just hear a peep or something... I just need to see something going on 😖

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