day 22 chicken eggs


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
i have 20 eggs in the bator on day 22 i know most of them have chiks in them i candeld them yesterday when will they pip? how late can they be?
Why were you opening the bator to candle them on day 21?

You need to keep the incubator closed and the humidity around 65-75% for hatching.

Give them until day 24. And don't open that bator again!
I usually wait til day 24 or 25 to even think about throwing out any eggs. It could have been that your humidity many have been a tiny bit off or your temp may have run a little low at some point, or they may just not be ready yet. Depending on the type of chicken egg they are too. Some of the larger type chickens hatch out a little later. Jersey Giants sometimes don't hatch out til day 24 or 25! Before you decide to throw them out, I would take and make a little chip in the egg and see if they are still alive. Could be you have to help them out. I have had some Buff Orpington chicks that have been quite large, the rooster is HUGE, and I had to help them out because they couldn't move in the egg. Once I made them a little hole they did most of the rest. If they are not still alive when you make the little hole then you can determine what went wrong.

I sincerely hope that everything turns out okay and that they are just late hatchers.

I am new the that hatching game and have 20 egges in an incubator, today is day 22 and i have no singns of hatching. I have daily checked and kept temperature at 98. When candling, many of the eggs looked fertile (are very dark with an air sack at the end). How will i know if the chick inside are alive or not. When should i turn off the bator and give up!!

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