Day 24 duck incubation questions

Bruising is "usually" an indication that the duckling has broken the inner membrane, but not through the shell, and moisture has gotten between the two membranes.  Especially if its in an area beyond the air cell.  Many times, those need assistance.   Can you get a picture of the bruise?

Normal guidelines say that they should be able to survive on the air cell air for around 24 hours, then do their external pip.  But of course, that must depend on the size of the air cell, right?  So if the air cells are large, a few more hours probably isn't hazardous to wait.  If the air cells were small, then you may consider helping with a safe hole. 

The upper left egg and is much darker in person

If so should I be giving the other egg that internally pipped yesterday an air hole?
Also the temperature gage on the right is broken and only the humidity gauge is accurate

I have the temperature a little below 99.5

Thank you so much!
This is the gray area. Its a tough call to make, and sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling.

I would probably pull the egg and candle to try to re-access what's going on. I see a slightly darker spot on that upper left egg, but its hard to tell from the pic. If what I'm looking at is correct, it looks like it should be in the air cell. That should be fine, but its impossible to say for sure.

Since this is a class project for you, and you are learning, let me play Teacher for a minute and add some caution.

I'm not trying to scare you, just wanting you to think about the possibilities. Decide whether you are comfortable helping, and possibly hatching a duckling that is not ... um... "right". Will you be able to nurse it, cull it, dispose of it, etc or would it be easier to let Mother Nature make these decisions for you, and you just wait it out and see what happens. Also how you will feel if you help or don't help, and it doesn't survive. None of the options are right or wrong. Its a personal thing. I just want you to consider everything first.

It would be awesome if every chick, duckling, gosling, etc. hatched perfectly on their own, but sometimes they don't. And everyone has their own philosophies on what should or shouldn't be done. So its ultimately up to you.
This is the gray area.  Its a tough call to make, and sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling. 

I would probably pull the egg and candle to try to re-access what's going on.  I see a slightly darker spot on that upper left egg, but its hard to tell from the pic.  If what I'm looking at is correct, it looks like it should be in the air cell.  That should be fine, but its impossible to say for sure.

Since this is a class project for you, and you are learning, let me play Teacher for a minute and add some caution. 

I'm not trying to scare you, just wanting you to think about the possibilities.  Decide whether you are comfortable helping, and possibly hatching a duckling that is not ... um... "right".  Will you be able to nurse it, cull it, dispose of it, etc or would it be easier to let Mother Nature make these decisions for you, and you just wait it out and see what happens.  Also how you will feel if you help or don't help, and it doesn't survive.  None of the options are right or wrong.  Its a personal thing.  I just want you to consider everything first.

It would be awesome if every chick, duckling, gosling, etc. hatched perfectly on their own, but sometimes they don't.  And everyone has their own philosophies on what should or shouldn't be done.  So its ultimately up to you. 

Awesome reply....:).....Yes...It is your call on this one egg..;)....I'm not even sure how I would proceed?....WV is great and has helped me out lots..:).....

Best of luck....:)
This is the gray area.  Its a tough call to make, and sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling. 

I would probably pull the egg and candle to try to re-access what's going on.  I see a slightly darker spot on that upper left egg, but its hard to tell from the pic.  If what I'm looking at is correct, it looks like it should be in the air cell.  That should be fine, but its impossible to say for sure.

Since this is a class project for you, and you are learning, let me play Teacher for a minute and add some caution. 

I'm not trying to scare you, just wanting you to think about the possibilities.  Decide whether you are comfortable helping, and possibly hatching a duckling that is not ... um... "right".  Will you be able to nurse it, cull it, dispose of it, etc or would it be easier to let Mother Nature make these decisions for you, and you just wait it out and see what happens.  Also how you will feel if you help or don't help, and it doesn't survive.  None of the options are right or wrong.  Its a personal thing.  I just want you to consider everything first.

It would be awesome if every chick, duckling, gosling, etc. hatched perfectly on their own, but sometimes they don't.  And everyone has their own philosophies on what should or shouldn't be done.  So its ultimately up to you. 

I think I will try candling them and possibly giving them an air hole... And than of they haven't made any progress by late tonight maybe assessing the situation again.
I definitely am on board for taking care of a week duckling and helping it through its first couple of days or weeks to get him / her through

I really appreciate you helping me because honesty I have no clue on what I'm doing...

I will try And take some pics of the candling
@WVduckchick Sorry to change subject, but do you know why this is egg is like this? It's all gray at the bottom. It's not a shadow:
I think I will try candling them and possibly giving them an air hole... And than of they haven't made any progress by late tonight maybe assessing the situation again.
I definitely am on board for taking care of a week duckling and helping it through its first couple of days or weeks to get him / her through

I really appreciate you helping me because honesty I have no clue on what I'm doing...

I will try And take some pics of the candling

Sounds great. Best of luck.

And don't doubt yourself. You made it this far with great research and your own abilities! Even if nothing more happens, you've already done a great job!

@WVduckchick Sorry to change subject, but do you know why this is egg is like this? It's all gray at the bottom. It's not a shadow:

If its not a shadow from the photo, it almost looks like fluid has gotten in there. Did one of the other hatchers roll it over there? Is there maybe a pip on the underside of the egg?
Sounds great.  Best of luck.

And don't doubt yourself.  You made it this far with great research and your own abilities!  Even if nothing more happens, you've already done a great job!

If its not a shadow from the photo, it almost looks like fluid has gotten in there.  Did one of the other hatchers roll it over there?  Is there maybe a pip on the underside of the egg?

It was there, though the ducklings moved it a little. I dont see a pip there.
Sounds great.  Best of luck.

And don't doubt yourself.  You made it this far with great research and your own abilities!  Even if nothing more happens, you've already done a great job!

If its not a shadow from the photo, it almost looks like fluid has gotten in there.  Did one of the other hatchers roll it over there?  Is there maybe a pip on the underside of the egg?

It was there, though the ducklings moved it a little. I dont see a pip there.

Hmmmm?...I would wait the Duckling out...:)

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