Katherine Arts

Mar 3, 2023
Osan, South Korea
I am hatching eggs and this isn't my first time, however, I have 3 live eggs (I candled them) in my incubator. They were refrigerated for 13 days, but when I candled them I had 3 duds and 3 living eggs. I threw away the duds and continued incubating the living eggs, candled them and they are still alive. They have been developing and growing. When I candled them, I saw chicks moving around! I candled them again on day 20 and they were still alive, but no internal pip. One pipped today, but I don't know when and it's not chirping. It hasn't pipped any more in the last 2 1/2 hours, what should I do??? Is it dead or alive??? If it's alive then should I help it???

Candled my eggs yesterday and this is what they looked like! All are developing!
Sorry I haven't been able to reply - I have been very busy lately. So I counted the days of incubation (I wrote the date of incubation on the eggs) but when I candled them on the 26th day the remaining two eggs died. I am hatching again; I will post updates when I have time to.
Sorry for loosing the others. Fingers crossed for this next batch
***UPDATE*** Candled my eggs this morning, all of them are fertile and have heartbeats! I will post candling pictures when I can. And did you guys know, that in my country, in the old days, farmers would sell baby chicks in front of toy stores for kids to buy!
I love watching the babies develop It never gets old :)
I’m day 19 with my batch
I am hatching eggs and this isn't my first time, however, I have 3 live eggs (I candled them) in my incubator. They were refrigerated for 13 days, but when I candled them I had 3 duds and 3 living eggs. I threw away the duds and continued incubating the living eggs, candled them and they are still alive. They have been developing and growing. When I candled them, I saw chicks moving around! I candled them again on day 20 and they were still alive, but no internal pip. One pipped today, but I don't know when and it's not chirping. It hasn't pipped any more in the last 2 1/2 hours, what should I do??? Is it dead or alive??? If it's alive then should I help it???
It internal pip or external ?

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