Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

Where did your Faverolles come from?
The lineage is from a top breeder in California. I cannot recall her name. I got my pair from California Country Ranch, so being multiple generations out, I can really only say that they are mine as I am the one choosing who stays and who goes at this point. :)
Do you have any pictures? I have a dial up line, so I wasn't able to load your picture gallery.

On average how much do they weigh?
Do you have any pictures? I have a dial up line, so I wasn't able to load your picture gallery.

On average how much do they weigh?

This is my back up cockerel. He's tiny compared to my roo. I haven't weighed him but i'm guessing at least 10-12#. I shipped a LC orp roo that weighed 10#s the other day and my faverolle roo looks significantly bigger than him. I will try to take some photos
Where did your chocolate and jubilee orps come from? Also your buff Brahma and blue partridge brahmas?
chocolates are from a breeder in washington, handle is breedloveacres I believe. Jubilees are from GFF. Buff laced brahmas are dan powell lines but not directly from dan powell, I got them from two different sources: thistledown farms and off a breeder on RBA whose name i am forgetting. Brahmas were purchased from the Omelet Ranch when Cheryl decided to get out of chickens. I have another line of brahmas that I am growing out so eventually will have two lines when these pullets start to lay, but they are still a month or two off and being heat of summer will see when they actually start to lay.
I am interested in some lavender orpingtons, both roo and pullets. My phone isn't loading well, so I can't see pics and things. Do you have a minimum order? I would want to order in early fall, as the heat here is unbearable and we have an upcoming 3 week trip to the UK coming up.
Minimum order of 10 for chicks. If you want sexed birds you can get a pair at about 6 weeks old. Fall is fine. Just let me know what you are wanting so I can plan ahead. I let all breeds out for about 2 months in summer. So it takes about 3 weeks to ensure they are pure after I free range them. :)
I would want at least 3 hens and one roo... Do you only sell the lav orps in pairs? And can you ship six week olds? Sorry for the many questions but have only ordered chicks once :) would gladly pay extra shipping if needed.

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