Day pen chicken tractor


Free Ranging
6 Years
Jul 1, 2017
Upper Midwest, USA
I want to build the biggest pen that I can reliably move around over rough ground. Ideally, I like it tall enough for them to have the option of a little flying.

This project is for daytime only, good weather only, and no predator defenses.
The fencing needs to have a flexible bottom edge to fit tightly enough to keep the hens in even when the ground is disked or possibly even plowed. Maybe weighted bird netting. Higher up could be chicken wire.

I have an abundance of hardwood saplings, small pine trees, willows, sumac, and other small trees. Also floribunda roses (up to 3-4" in diameter), grape vines, Virginia creeper.

Possibly, I will have access to an abundance of pvc pipe also but much of it is brittle from uv damage... most of it is 4" or 6", some is smaller diameter.

Possibly also some fence posts both steel t posts and fiberglass step in posts.

I can move the pen with the tractor (big farm tractor) so weight is not as important as most other factors.

I've been trying to figure out how to do it without wheels. Nothing is looking promising but all I've thought of is skids, I don't think they will work over such rough ground. Any other non-wheel ideas?

Alternatively, I might be able to use running gear. Maybe outriggers supported by the running gear to hold the fencing? I would need to keep the chicken off the steel or at least their poop off it. Ideas on how to do that?
Make your tractor on wheels. Make frame that holds wheel,, such so it can be lifted,, so when you get to destination just lift the wheels, and let frame set on ground.
I did something similar to the trampoline I had in the back yard. When I needed to move it,,, to cut grass, I engaged the wheels to lift the frame,,,, and I dragged the trampoline to new location.
I did this using 6 inch retired lawnmower wheels. If your tractor is going to be on the heavy side,,, you will need to get some wheels like ; Trailer wheels, or wheelbarrow wheels.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :highfive:
Do you think bicycle wheels would go over the furrows better?

Or, I have old truck tires and tractor tires. I was going to make potato towers out of them but I don't have to do that. They aren't good for much but some of them might handle this sort of thing. I think they would work even without rims. Or possibly some with rims under the heaviest parts and without rims under the lightest parts.
Ideas for concept for the framework holding the netting.
I checked prices and characteristics of chicken wire and bird netting; bird netting looks better other than it won't last as long unless I can keep it out of the sun.


I think you are both right.
I saved the concept pictures that I fell asleep gathering last night... they might help even with shorter walls.

My current version of a plan is the pvc pipe as the "booms" like the spray rig. I don't have hinges but I can use holes and screws
Wow!!!! Perfect!!!!!
My brother reminded me of the dump rakes. We have two I can use.

Edit to say.. Actually, they are now mine, not just the use of them.

Much better than the running gear or trying to cobble bike frames together.


I'll take the teeth off (or not) and build some booms and rigging to add.

I can either hitch them to each other which might make rigging the netting easier. Or make two so I can keep one on the east fields and one on the west fields. That would save getting it out on the road because there isn't a good internal route between the sides... there is currently too much brush where it isn't too steep. On the other hand, there isn't much traffic on that road and it isn't far. We'll see how it looks as the plan develops and go from there.
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