Day two and three dead, how long does Sulmet take to bloody work???

Agree with chookschick, her medication advice is spot on. These medications do not actually kill the parasites, they only reduce their ablility to multiply, and prevent further damage, but do not fix what has already been done.

The parasites multiply in the layer of cells that lines the small intestine. They rupture the cell open and are released, which leads to damage to this important layer of cells, and results in bleeding into the intestine. These cells are responsible for absorbing nutrients, so damage to a large number of them results in malnutrition, even when the chicks are still eating.

Unfortunately the damage can be severe before signs become apparent. That is why many of us use medicated feed; it does not prevent the chicks from getting coccidia, but it prevents infestations from becoming severe, while still allowing the chicks to develop natural immunity to the parasites.

Surviving chicks should be kept in a warm, clean area and fed a very digestible diet. I also often feed my sick birds yogurt, and often mix it with vegetable and/or oatmeal canned baby food. They also may benefit from electrolytes, in particular because it is a good source of easy-to-absorb sugar to help give them energy. I would also offer plain water in another bowl.

Good luck!

Congrats on the egg eating!!!!
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Can people catch this from chickens? I have been sooooooo sick for the last two days with symptoms very like what my chicklets are going through!
I think I might live! But to save time and energy, could one of you lovely people tell me the dose of corid for chicks again?
It is simple enough to put them back on medicated chick feed. There should be a thread here somewhere... Sorry I just don't know it.
Corid for treatment is 1 teaspoon per gallon. It can be stored in a sealed container for 3 days. Give as only water supply for 5 days.

If you want it for prevention, it's less, but I'm not sure how much.
I think you can just go back to medicated feed for prevention, but I think the preventive dose is less than half the treatment dose...I can't recall, either.
Dead chick walking went back to the flock yesterday and was so well that she blended in with the bunch and I cant pick her out today

Am still feeding scrambled eggs and anything else soft and easy to digest that I can think of and doing the corid for the next five days.

Thank you all so much for your help and encouragement. I couldn't have done it without you

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