dd walked in her apartement Update: post 1

Get the locks changed immediately!

Go through her place with a fine tooth comb. Look for anything out of place in the living room, bathroom and bedroom.
look in her plants, shelves. look for funny spots in her ceiling.

Cameras can be hidden anywhere.

No idea how long creepy has been going in there and doing what.
talk to the police and have her find a place that sells survalance cameras. They can help her find out if he planted one in her place.
Just thought of this.. does she have a dead bolt or chain to use at night and any other time she is at home. If not I would go buy her one and install it asap! At least she can sleep easy, as soon as you make sure there aren't any cameras.
she does have a dead bolt... When she called the office they said they have a right to go in her apartment at anytime... and the guy said he was there to change the filter... funny thing I saw him last week changing the filters... I wanna know how often they change the filters
Last time I checked watching TV was not part of filter changing procedure. I call BS.

I'd pack up my stuff and be out of there even if I had to sleep in my car, honestly.
i had a landlord like that....always comming in to my appartment when ever he felt like it, it stated on my lease that he had to give me 24 hours before comming over, he would let my indoor cat out, take the screens off my windows and call cps for no reason........it was a night mare.....in the end my now husband came to help me move and insteed of handing him the keys we looked all the doors and left them at the police dept. hurd he wasn't happy when he had to go there to get them.

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