Dead Chickens


6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
About a month ago we found one of our chickens dead. Hadn't appeared sick, no signs of trauma (neck was floppy). All other chickens fine. Yesterday we found another one just dead. I am worried but have no clue, they have both indoor(in barn) and outdoor (enclosed) areas plus there actual coop in the middle (they are alittle spoiled looks like a hotel for chickens). It is clean plenty of fresh air etc... I am very concerned with this second death yesterday as I have a broody hen sitting on fertile eggs that are due to hatch starting as early as tonite. This is our first ever hatching and I am a real Big Mother Hen, I am afraid for my other girls and the chicks to come. Any ideas?
The only "sudden death" disease on the document linked below is fowl cholera, which I am actually hesitant to suggest. For one thing, although it can cause sudden death, there are a host of symproms, as you will see. I doubt very much that you would lose two birds to it, some weeks apart, with no other visible symptoms. For another, it's just an unfortunate fact of life that chickens can die unexpectedly. I'm sure you've read how well they hide that they don't feel well. One could have had a heart attack and the other a stroke, for example, so there would have been no symptoms.

Really, if you've looked them over well and see no symptoms in anyone, I would try not to worry about it, and keep dong the good job you've been doing!
I spoke with a local guy at an agway store who experienced the exact same issue. He wrote off the first 2 until his dogs got upset and he found a weasel coop. He said they leave the chicken and without very close inspection you won't see the bites. I have had them on property before but not in the coop. I will get a trap and try to see if that help. One the positive side we had a hatching of one of our eggs, we are very excited about this.
First baby just hatched, with a very proud Hen!

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