Dead Chicks IN THE MAIL

Some of the time variables in how long it takes a package to reach such and such city do nto make since until you think about a truck is not going to leave for that town until it is full. so if you live in a town that has lots of packages going to it your chicks may make the trip in last time even though you are a further distance from the Hatchery than someone that it took 3 days. hope that makes since. But there is a very important reason for me to point this out. I live in Reno which is a hub for the western states. what this means is any package I order from anywhere has any one of hundreds of trucks it can be put on and reach me at the very most in 3 days even by truck. 20 minutes from here is Carson City which the same package would get to Reno from say New York in 3 days, then might set in a warehouse for 2 days waiting for a full truck of packages to pile up, then make the final 20 minute trip to Carson. In this case it would be a huge benefit for a person to order chicks to my address and have me drive them the final 20 minutes. Another example so you don't think that one is just an example. I live 30 minutes away from Fernley which is where Amazon ( is) 30 minutes further down the road is a town called Fallon. both towns are 30 minutes from Amazon. I can order anything from Amazon and have it the next day. People in Fallon have to wait 2 to 4 days. My point is find out where your nearest "Hub" for freight is and see if you can locate someone with an address in that town to order your chicks to. they will most likely be delivered a day sooner if not more. a person in Fallon ordering something from Utah will have there package actually pass by their house on it's way to Reno before it is put on a truck and driven the hour back to fallon. making the wait 1 to 2 days longer. hope all that makes since.
Very good point! Another thing to consider is the USPS has been cutting down routes. I was hired last spring to run freight from the hub outside Springfield, MA to Jacksonville, FL. 4 Drivers made that run every 24 hours until the USPS decided to "consolidate" runs. Because of the financial hemoraging the mail system has been having for years now, they are simply eliminating routes. This causes delays in moving mail. Plain and simple.
so many variables. I ordered from Ideal going on two years ago now. All arrived alive and healthy. All are still with me and laying well. We got them the day after they shipped. TX to Massachusetts. \\
Then again. I have sent priority box(2/3 day shipping) to the West Coast several times and one of my last shipments took a week to get to the buyer.

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