Dead duckling - advice appreaciated


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2019
Hi guys. As the title says had a ducking die last night and would really appreaciate some advice.

We hatched four welsh harlequins 5 days ago. One was smaller and weaker than the others and the last to hatch and we lost it in the night. Found it stretched out, dead, with some thin white discharge/poop from it.

- four days old
- clean mineral water always available to them (good depth)
- we’ve made sure they are dry after getting wet
- straw changed often (and just before sleep last night)
- fed on duckling starter crumbs
- indoors with heat lamp

It was peeping a little bit last night so we picked it up, made sure it was dry and warm and calmed it down: peeped a tiny bit when we put it back with others but calmed down immediately with lights off and went to sleep. (Peeped a tiny bit now and then if we made a noise).

It was last to hatch and a bit less active and smaller than others. Only thing I can think of is that weather was a bit colder last night and possibly dropped a little below ideal for a few hours - could that be it?

Last checked on at midnight, they were together in the exact middle of the brooder (heat lamp at far end) which made me think they were at a comfortable temperature...

We’re very, very sad and stressing about the others now. Would really appreciate any advice!!!
Sometimes this just happens. Don't stress too much. If you lose another one you may have a problem, but sometimes they just don't make it. Sounds like you are doing everything right.
Thank you! I understand it could be this - it was weaker and much smaller, but want to make sure there’s nothing more we can do. Others are happy, curious, running about.

Really miserable household today... :(
Thank you! I understand it could be this - it was weaker and much smaller, but want to make sure there’s nothing more we can do. Others are happy, curious, running about.

Really miserable household today... :(
Enjoy the others and let them make you smile. Mine have to go out to the barn today. I have kept them in the brooder way to.long. I love going into the kitchen in the morning looking out on the porch and seeing up periscope. I will miss them.

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