December/January Hatch-A-Long

I have three chicks due to hatch Monday -- I'm a wreck!!

"I hope they make it, I hope they make it, I hope they make it."

C'mon Everybody -- Hope They Make It with me!!
I stated my first hatch last night with the new incubator my hubby got me for Christmas. A Brinsea mini advance. Crossing my fingers all goes well and we get a couple of peeps.
We have 45 eggs that made it past the first candling. We started with 64 eggs. All but one were not fertile. We miss judged one egg. It was very sad. Today is day 18 and we can't wait till they start hatching. This is our first experience with hatching eggs. We are so excited! My husband said he is just not going to be able to stand it these next few days.
We have 152 more eggs in 3 other incubators started Tuesday.
Eggs are Ameraucanas, Araucanas, Silician Buttercups, Black Sumatras, Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Splash Bearded Belgian d'Anvers and Old English Game BBRs. We currently have Ameraucanas, Old English and d'anvers chickens and also one blue Cochin Cockerel (he needs a mate).
We started out with 3 chickens for our daughter to show at the county fair last year and this is where we have grown to. We love it!

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