Decoding the acronyms


10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
Davis County, Utah
I am new to chickens, and as I read on here, everyone refers to their chicken breeds in acronyms. Some I can figure out, and others I have no clue!

I have 2 BR (barred rocks), 2 EE (easter eggers), 3 MFB (millie fleur bantams), 1 Cochin, 1 ? I call her caramel girl, she is white and caramel brown and lays brown eggs.

Will someone post and decode the different kinds of chickens?
SLW - Silver Laced Wyandotte
GLW - Golden Laced Wyandotte
BLRW - Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

GSL - Golden Sex-Link
GC - Golden Comet

There are ALOT more, but those are on the top of my head.
BSL = Black Sex-Link
OEG = Old English Game
OEGB = Old English Game Bantam
RIR = Rhode Island Red

Those are off the top of my head. Though many of the acronyms are consistent, I would recommed asking for clarification if it is a topic that is breed specific.
RIR = Rhode Island Red.

First time I saw RIR, my mind pronounced it: rerr. So now when I see RIR anywhere, I think "Oh, Rerrs." But I know what Rerrs are. I have a Rerr chick, as a matter of fact. Rhoda.

BA = Black Australorp. My "Bah" is Matilda.


My mind just works that way.
RSL: red sex link (refers to red stars, golden buffs, golden comets, cinnamon queens, gold stars, etc... even ISA browns are the same type of cross, just with a "brand" name. )

GSL: golden sex link (same as above)

BSL: black sex link

WL: white leghorn

BA: black australorp

GLW: golden laced wyandotte

BLRW: blue laced red wyandotte

SLW: silver laced wyandotte

BR: barred rock

BO: buff orpington

BBS or B/B/S: blue, black, splash genetics... (if someone says they have BBS orpingtons they are breeding, it usually means that they have a pair of orpingtons with the "blue" gene... the chicks may be blue, black, or splash)

OEGB: old english game bantam

EE: easter egger

POL: point of lay (a pullet around the age, or at the "point" of laying)

RIR: rhode island red

NHR: new hampshire red

MF: Mille Fleur (color, as in, "i have a MF cochin project")

LF: large fowl

BJG: black jersey giant

etc., etc... i tried to include the most common ones... it's basically just initials.

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