Deep bedding

I have the deep liter system using the HEMP product. 6 months so far and no smell at all. This will last over a year before i clean it. It decomposes right away and begins breaking down the smell as soon as it drops. LOL. If you are not using the Hemp product for your deep litter system then you are waisting your money and spend way too much time tending to it. FYI - I have 20 chickens in a 6' x 8' coop and it works great. I have absolutely no smell at all. I am a firm believer in this product.
I bought hemp to use through the winter, I otherwise use sand on the floor and scoop it daily but I figured deep litter through the winter would help keep them warmer
I cannot make anything out of your pictures much Mewcycle other than it looks like a Fort Knox for Chickens. You have a chicken maze going on for sure. Definite entertainment and a way for them to keep from getting caught quickly. They look very secure. I just cannot see the chickens for the shadow of the sun rather the overcast of it depending on what time of the day you took the pictures and I could not see much because of it. Sorry. I don’t mean to be critical or judgemental. It looks like you have a great deal of space in these areas to work with. Maybe you could retake the pictures bin earlier morning or when it’s a little overcast so we could see better?
That was actually pretty critical. 😳 Thanks for your input? What I have is what came with the property. I don’t have any trouble catching my hens since they will jump into my lap. There is a “fence” wall (with a small chicken size gate) in the middle of the coop which I have opted to leave in place since I may need that separation at some time. I assume that is the “chicken maze”. I left the sink frames in place because the hens like to jump up on them to actually get closer to me 😂. I may take them down at some point, but for now I see no reason.
As for the shadows, I am surrounded by large cedars and oaks. We are gradually clearing some out. But I doubt I’ll get any “non shadow” pictures any time soon.
This is the best I could do. I really thought it was the floor of the coop or lower walls that we were looking at. Did you want pictures of my chickens as well? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Here ya go! 😍
Thanks for everyone’s comments! I’ve decided to start with the pine shavings since I can get them locally easily. I also put down a generous amount of PDZ prior to adding the pine shavings. I have used the chicken scratch method of getting them to stir things up for me every few days. So far I am very happy. Will see how I feel in a few months. I may add the hemp next time.
That was actually pretty critical. 😳 Thanks for your input? What I have is what came with the property. I don’t have any trouble catching my hens since they will jump into my lap. There is a “fence” wall (with a small chicken size gate) in the middle of the coop which I have opted to leave in place since I may need that separation at some time. I assume that is the “chicken maze”. I left the sink frames in place because the hens like to jump up on them to actually get closer to me 😂. I may take them down at some point, but for now I see no reason.
As for the shadows, I am surrounded by large cedars and oaks. We are gradually clearing some out. But I doubt I’ll get any “non shadow” pictures any time soon. View attachment 2374667This is the best I could do. I really thought it was the floor of the coop or lower walls that we were looking at. Did you want pictures of my chickens as well? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Here ya go! 😍View attachment 2374666
I was afraid of that which is why I was trying to tell you that was not my intent. There has been so much of that going on lately that I did not want to be doing that so please know for a third time it was not my intention. You have a good setup even though it was left to you on the property. Shade is good and once taken away is hard to get back. They love things to roost on. And yes the floor is the priority hence the maze was my focus but not in a bad way. Thought it was. A good thing for them just making a comment that it might be hard for the keeper at times — I’m disabled so I think that way. Not everyone else is thank goodness. Your set up is clean, neat and good for your birds. That is what counts. Your chickens are very good looking birds too with what sounds like a very caring owner who prioritizes their needs.
Heya, I just wanted to add that the deep litter method isn't nearly the exact-science that some websites would have you believe. I'm a relative newbie, I started with about 5 inches of pine shavings on a dirt floor. I was really surprised at how well it worked with only a weekly turning. I toss scratch on it as a treat at night, so they do a lot of the work too. I've added more litter (less than an inch each time probably) a few times since, but it's been a few months and it's surprisingly clean! I even have turkeys in there and those are some big poops. In fact, the only time it smells is after the turkeys drop a few bombs, but a quick litter tossing does the trick. So long story short: Give it a try! It's almost fool-proof, easily adjustable to fit your situation, and works great! Good luck!
Heya, I just wanted to add that the deep litter method isn't nearly the exact-science that some websites would have you believe. I'm a relative newbie, I started with about 5 inches of pine shavings on a dirt floor. I was really surprised at how well it worked with only a weekly turning. I toss scratch on it as a treat at night, so they do a lot of the work too. I've added more litter (less than an inch each time probably) a few times since, but it's been a few months and it's surprisingly clean! I even have turkeys in there and those are some big poops. In fact, the only time it smells is after the turkeys drop a few bombs, but a quick litter tossing does the trick. So long story short: Give it a try! It's almost fool-proof, easily adjustable to fit your situation, and works great! Good luck!
Nothing but shavings and poop does not make a deep litter(actual composting into soil.).
Nothing but shavings and poop does not make a deep litter(actual composting into soil.).
What else should be in there? I remember reading about it a lot before getting chickens and doing a quick search now gives the me the same base of pine wood shavings. My litter isn't bone dry, but it certainly isn't moist either, and it's been breaking down into alight brown dirt-like product. What am I missing?
What else should be in there? I remember reading about it a lot before getting chickens and doing a quick search now gives the me the same base of pine wood shavings. My litter isn't bone dry, but it certainly isn't moist either, and it's been breaking down into alight brown dirt-like product. What am I missing?
The terms 'deep litter' and 'deep bedding' are often misunderstood and misapplied.
I've always liked this explanation:

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