Deerwood Castle-RP-NOW OPEN!!!!!!

Eldritch sat in his throne room, deep in conversation with Ruben Wilson.
"Laef is failing to please me as she once did. She is getting older and her youthfulness is diminishing." Eldritch says.
"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Ruben asks.
"I think I will stay with her a little longer, give her a second chance." Eldritch says.
"Yes, your grace."
"You may leave now." Eldritch says, drifting off into his own thoughts. Ruben leaves silently.

"Jane! You wouldn't believe it!" Ruben exclaims, running over to where Jane stands in the courtyard.
"What is it dear?" She asks.
"Eldritch is becoming displeased with the queen. I believe we can expect a second queen within a year."
"Are you sure? We must make sure it is Annette that he chooses. I will speak to her." Jane replies.

"Anne, I must tell you something." Jane says, tapping Anne Gwenith on the shoulder.
"Jane, I do not care for what you have to say. Mary told me of what you were doing with your brother." Anne replies.
"What?" Jane exclaims. "I-I would never do such a thing."
"I will not stand for your lies any longer. Our friendship must be ended." Anne says, striding away.
Jane is left standing, alone.

In his office, Liam McColl slams his fist on the desk.
"Ruben, do you know what this means? The king will blame me! I will be killed! You must save me!" He says.
"I-I don't know if I can. You know the king."
"I beg you, try as hard as you can."
"I will try." Ruben lied. If he was connected to Liam, he would surely die too.

Thomas Smith and Tibo D'Fluer ride their horses around the mountainous castle grounds.
"What a wondrous day to be outside." Tibo says.
"'Tis." Thomas agrees.
There is silence for a while.
"You don't suppose I have a chance with Danielle?" Thomas asks.
"Tom, you have a chance with any lady." Tibo says.
"You mean it? Thanks. You're not bad yourself." Thomas says, chuckling.
"I don't have my eye on anyone. Someday the perfect girl will come to court, but not yet." Tibo sighs.

Edward McGrath was shoeing horses when Daniel and Peter Wilson entered the stables.
"We would like our horses." Daniel announces.
Edward heads off silently to retrieve the two black stallions.
"Thank you." Peter says.
"W-would you like tack?" Edward asks.
"No. We shall ride bareback, like real men." Daniel replies.
Edward goes back to shoeing.

Jane walks briskly to Annette’s room.
“Yes Mother?” Annette asks, looking up from her crocheting.
“His Majesty will be looking for a new queen soon. You must make yourself become more… pleasing,” Jane says.
“I don’t want to be queen! All the queen is there for is to look pretty and have heirs,” Annette exclaims.
“You must, Nettie. It is for the sake of our family!” Jane pleads.
Annette sighs. “Fine. However, everyone will be shoving their daughters under His Majesty’s nose soon enough. I will try, but I can’t make any promises.”

Liam McColl sits at his desk, plotting.
“Your Grace,” Annette Wilson curtsies.
“Ah, Miss Nettie,” Liam sighs.
“Uncle, I have come to ask for help.”
“What do you wish me to help you with?’
“Mother wishes me to become queen. I will need some help.”
“Of course, sit down and we can work out a plan.”
Annette walks forward cautiously, and sits down opposite her uncle.

Peter Wilson grips his bow tight as he rides his horse into the forest. He sees a rabbit and shoots. The rabbit tries to move, but life leeches away from her with every breath. Peter gets off his horse and ends the rabbit’s agony. He picks her up and gets back on his horse.

Lemme start typing. ^3^
Augustine sat in front of her mirror and table on a stool, still in her nightdress. She began to brush her long blonde ringlets out.

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