Depression Era recipes..(and others like it)

Got another dandelion recipe -

Dandelion flowers - young ones, not too old.
Wash and rinse, and put first into egg (beaten) then dredge in bread crumbs (I use italian seasoned ones) and fry - MMMMMMMMMM taste just like fried mushrooms.

My kids love these - they dip them in ranch dressing, I like mine plain with a little salt.

Peace -
My father-in-law/step-father (lol very long story) grew up in Monterey. I miss the salads in Cali....

sounds like an interesting story
The salads sure are a different animal there
come to think of it we used to have asparagus growing in our back yard when I was a kid. My mom used to have me go out and pick it for dinner. I love asparagus, but my husband hates with most vegatables
We used to have strawberries growing out there too. She didn't have to tell me to pick those!
Mmmm those sound good! They sound like the zucchini blossoms we ate while living in Italy. They are fixed the same way, minus the ranch dressing.
sounds like an interesting story
The salads sure are a different animal there
come to think of it we used to have asparagus growing in our back yard when I was a kid. My mom used to have me go out and pick it for dinner. I love asparagus, but my husband hates with most vegatables
We used to have strawberries growing out there too. She didn't have to tell me to pick those!

Our husbands sound like they are twins!

Another thing my family used to have a lot of was City Fried Chicken. I'm not sure if it's depression era or not and I have no idea what it was made out of, but it wasn't chicken, lol. I can't find the recipe either in my grandma's stuff. I want to say veal, back when veal wasn't expensive because everyone ate it, but I really don't know.

Yeah, my mother married my husband's father...we introduced them at my husband's high school graduation. The funny part was he had 3 of his wives sitting at the same table that night - my husband's mother, his recent ex-wife and my mother
He asked her out right in front of us and they were engaged 3 weeks later. They've been married 25 years, us 20 years. It totally confuses my children so they have just given up trying to figure it out, lol. The only thing they tell people is that their mother married her step-brother!
This is a pizza recipe from the town where I went to college. The locals couldn't decide if it was invented in the Depression or during WWII due to the lack of Italian imports. Just bear in mind that it is NASTY and only to be eaten in a dire emergency.

1 pizza crust
1 can tomato soup, mixed with some ketchup and Italian seasoning to make it more like pizza sauce
American cheese
Oscar Meyer bologna, cut into bits

Spread the tomato soup rather thinly on the crust because, honestly, it's nasty and you don't want to have to taste it too much. Layer Processed Pasteurized Cheese Food Product on top. Sprinkle bologna chunks. Bake at 400F till slightly browned, then cut into slices as usual.
hi..chiknmama...that sounds good!...i'm gonna try it this spring! you use just the flowers?...
rosalind...i bet kids would love that recipe!..i'm serious!..
For those of you who lived in Monterey did you ever eat at Pizza my way (best I have ever had and I have lived in a LOT of places!) or Bubba Gumps (bucket of boat trash) or our favorite of one of the seafood vendors (I think legal seafood) that sold the clam chowder in the sourdough bowls??? Oh you brought back memories of our favorite place we have ever lived. We were there for 18 months also.

Anyhow that place is the farthest place from depression era recipes as you can get, talk about loaded people.

Looked up a few from my grandma's recipe book

Homemade noodles
2 1/2 C flour
3 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1/3 C cold water
Combine Flour, eggs, salt; add cold water slowly. Flour a board and rolling pin and roll out and cut into strips. Lay on tea towels and they will dry in a couple of days. We never end up waiting that long I put extra flour over the top and add them to chicken stock that has been doctored up (add what you like, peas, chicken chunks, celery, carrots etc)and add the noodle until the broth thickens. Kid pleaser at our house.

Another highlighted recipe is her scalloped corn
1/2 C butter
1/2 C flour
1 can cream corn
3 eggs yolks and whites separated
salt to taste
Preheat oven to 350* Grease dish, melt butter add in flour (like a roux) then add corn add eggs yolks and add enough milk to cover, salt to tastes then beat the eggs whites and fold them into the mixture.

Mommas mexican rice (pretty authentic)
1 can (I think 15 oz or 1 3/4 c) chicken broth
2 tbsp butter
2 pinches of cumin
1/4 C tomato sauce
1 C uncooked rice

Melt the butter and add the rice, cook until the rice browns (like rice a roni color) add the remaining ingredients stir well mixed. Bring to a boil and turn down to low/simmer and cover with a lid and simmer for 25 minutes. DO NOT OPEN LID remove from heat and fluff before serving. For variations you could add onion after the rice is browned and also sometimes I add the knorr mexican brand tomato and chicken granules instead of the cumin. I would wait to experiment until comfortable with the results of original recipe.

Okay I will have to keep going through my family cookbook.
okay..heres another one...i dont have all the exact measurments..we kinda do it by eye..

Salmon Wiggle

In a med/large sauce pan add whole milk(the amount you use depends on how much you will be making)...also add 1 can of evaporated milk, about 1/2 stick of butter, salt & pepper to taste.
Use canned salmon(we use the red one..but u can use the pink)...about 3 to 4 cans for a salmon(leaving it in large pieces)...set aside....reserve juice.
Add reserved juice to milk in sauce pan(we use all the juice for more salmon flavor...)
Add flour to milk mixture(while heating )...enough to thicken and make a white sauce..stir till it thickens up.
When its thick enough(white sauce thick)..add de-boned salmon..and drained peas. Serve over saltine crackers..or boiled white potatoes. enjoy!

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