Depression Era recipes..(and others like it)

oh kbarret!!! My grandma used to make Rivel soup! I think it was chicken and corn rivel soup, but I can't remember the name of it for sure. And since I can't remember the name of it, I didn't know how to find a recipe for it!! Thank you so much for posting this recipe!! She died in 1999 and no one in my family knows how to make the rivels. I don't think that anyone but me and my Grandpa and Grandma liked it. I haven't had it since I was a little kid.

Thank you!!!
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Like JennsPeeps said you keep your active starters on the counter. Towards the end I burp the bags often.
I've had success putting extras in the freezer and feeding them on the 2nd day out of the freezer.
I keep my extra batter in the freezer in seperate small ziplock baggies (each is 1 cup of starter). I havent had a problem using it. I did notice that if I make chocolate chocolate chip bread that if I use a cheap chocolate pudding mix it turns an odd shade of green when baked, it doesnt hurt the flavor and isnt dangerous but for appearances the better brand of pudding is best. (it only seems to do it with the chocolate kind).
I've run into the same problem when day 10 just wasn't convenient to do my baking. I try to plan as early as possible and delay the first feeding for 1-2 days. I've also delayed the day ten feed & bake up to 3 days and the batter and bread were fine. You will notice the need to burp the longer you delay baking.
Granny and momma used to make Irish Potato Candy for my brother and I when we were kids. At the time, we didn't realize it was a depression era candy. We just loved it and so do my kids and grandhildren.

Irish Potato Candy

1 small Irish potato
1 box powdered sugar
1 small jar peanut butter

Boil potato till done. Peel and mash fine until completely cool. Mix in powdered sugar slowly until stiff dough forms. On waxed paper, roll out dough and spread with peanut butter. Roll up jelly roll style, slice and refrigerate. You can also melt chocolate and pour over individual candies, but we like it plain, just as I had it as a kid.

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