Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Oh gosh they are so cute. My heart is melting! 

I was thinking of getting a Serama as a house pet. I have an empty cockatiel flight cage (quite a large parrot cage but with narrow bar spacing more appropriate for medium to small birds) that I was contemplating converting for a Serama... there is finely spaced wire at the bottom that droppings fall through into a litter tray. I was thinking of providing platforms at 'hop height' so that the serama could utilize some of the height of the cage as well, since they are so small and lightweight. As I work from home, the Serama would be out most of the day, and the cage would be pretty much just a sleep cage or for when I will be out of the house for more than a little bit. For those with experience, what do you think? I am trying to imagine what my chickens would like, but scaled down (by a lot).

I have also noticed that most breeders sell either pairs, or lone roosters, but not lone hens or more than one hen. This makes sense, surely the demand for hens outstrips that of roosters! While I can't imagine that a lone Serama rooster will be any louder than my parrots, I confess that my parrots don't make any noise until I get up in the morning, and roosters aren't always quite that polite! I am left very uncertain of how to get a sweet pet Serama, especially just one (or should I not get just one?)

I'm also a bit terrified at the thoughts of shipping one to me! I know lots of people do it but I am a worry wort.

Hi nambroth, Here is a picture of where my house birds hang out at night. This is in my workshop where my PC is and where i spen 99% of my time. The cages are of course bird cages that I added a liner in them so I can put shavings in there so they can dust bathe. I have the cages lined with clear plastic to keep the dust down in it. Helps somewhat and also helps to keep the shavings in.

They do like to jump on stuff and go under stuff, so a box to go into and a swing or perches are primo! They do need at least 2ftx3ft and preferably 4ft high cage if they are going to be 24/7 in the cage.
The serama was originally bred to be apartment sized pets back in Maylasia (where they come from). The crow is small and manageable (well I think) and once you get to know the birds habits you will know when they do their cecal poops and then U know when they should not be out free. (mine are in the AM shortly after they wake up).
Yes, most breeders will toss a roo in if you buy a hen or two. You honestly need to get 2 birds and that is just for their own well being. they are VERY social critters and do not do well alone.

I can find out if there are any breeders up north by you if that would help ya. :love
There is a partial list of breeders in here for you to start your search.
AND you can always ask Jerry Schexnayder himself (the fellow that originally imported these darlings in 2001 and is the founder of SCNA) and he might know of a breeder closer to you.

There are alot of unscrupulous breeders out there that sell seramas that are in fact OEGB's! Artzyrobin and I can help steer you clear from them So sad :(

Shipping birds is not a problem as long as the breeder packs them with something to snack on (like cuke or tomato or watermelon grapes etc) AND the weather is not too cold or too hot AND the address to and from are ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY CORRECT! AND you tell the post office you are getting a package with live animals.

Yes, I am a horrible enabler! :woot
My friend with the house seramas, got hers from a woman in Ohio. I honestly thought she got males because the combs were prominent but, they both were girls. They may have been a few months old because the lady would not ship when they were so tiny. Despite all her care the thoughtfulness - of course the PO got it screwed up, sent them out west, instead of Illinois. When they arrived one was doing very badly but, my friend knew to warm her up and get her to drink water, etc. They've been very hardy(knock on wood) since then.

She probably could have found some closer to home but, no one else had the "silkied" feather ones she thought she wanted.
I'm jumping into this conversation kind of late, but.... you should definitely get a house serama! Old english game bantams are amazing as well. I had a few OEGBs and they were the sweetest little things. I miss them.

It sounds like you're interested in getting adult birds, but if you are interested in hatching, I'll just let you know that it went well for me. A few years ago I bought some eggs from a breeder and she shipped them to me. The eggs were in good shape but they need to be packaged very carefully. I was successful in hatching!

Glad to hear everyone is doing well :) I haven't been on for a while
Chicken peep what a coincidence, I bought from a hosta nursery in OLATHE, a few years ago. Small world isn't it? I'm sorry I just had a silly spell.
Just a little aside, I had a beautiful little porcelain 'duccle that was not a lot bigger than a sparrow who probably should have been a house pet but wasn't. She was friendly as anything and would fly up to perch on my shoulder from the ground when I'd go into the run.

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