Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

How cute! this Derp have her priorities welll set, first check out the roo
then go talk a litthe with the food lady and maybe get the best treats
must love that Derp
This winter has been fairly uneventful for Derperella. The Fud Lady complains that it really haven't even been a winter at all-- this is the first time she remembers in her lifetime where she hasn't had to shovel. It doesn't matter either way to Derp. Of all the chickens, Derp minds snow the least. Perhaps it's because she has built-in snow shoes. Perhaps it's because the snow is her friend. It's hard to say.

The Fud Lady likes to try and let the girls (and Mr. Gullincambe) out once a day if she can, but sometimes the weather keeps both the chickens and the Fud People at bay. Oh days like this, the Fud Lady likes to smuggle Derperella inside for a short while. Derp always just hops into the chair and sits.

Sometimes there is a very nice day out when it's not raining or snowing. On those days the Fud Lady gets her camera out!

Derp and Coho like to hang out around the Fud People's legs. That's usually where the black oil sunflower seeds seem to rain from. It's a neat coincidence.

Chickadee, being the smartest chicken, knows very well that the source of the sunflower seed rain is up high on the Fud People. Here she is, about to jump up onto the Fud Guy's shoulder.

"Whoa, did Chickadee just get a whole handful of seeds?!"


Toward the end of ranging the chickens earlier this week, suddenly Gullincambe said "BWAAAAAAAAAAH." The Fud Lady and the hens knew that this meant that Gullin spotted something dangerous. Suddenly, there was a hawk that the Fud Lady didn't even see. The girls froze, and Gullin repeated "BWAAA-AAAAAHHHH!" Well, this was enough to get all the girls safely inside, while he ran out to confront the hawk.

Either the hawk didn't care much for Gullin's threats, or didn't much like that the Fud People were outside with the flock, but it left without getting close to Gullin.

It was a red-shouldered hawk, one of our frequent visitors.

The Fud Lady only stopped to take a few photos as the hawk was leaving... after all the chickens were safely inside.

Thank you for warning us, Mr. Gullincambe!
agreed, not sure how i could get susie 2 NY though..... we're in OH.
But a playdate would be cute, would just need to get Buttons away from his precious little girls.
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what a great day got to see my favorite characters- thank you Nambroth. I'm still waiting for a warm enough day to show off my Derp shirt. It's been a very mild winter with ups and downs, but even the ups aren't enough for short leaves. Last night we dropped to 10 degrees but atleast we just have a bare coating of snow. I love the girls very feminine saddles - they must shop at the Elite Chick, or something like that.

Was just thinking I bet Ms Derp would love to sit on the handle of a shopping cart and whizz around petco or petsmart - starring !! Make a great video or an "Oscar" short for next year.
I'm glad your girls are safe!!!! I love Derp! Is your rooster doing any better with the girls? This just goes to show he's a very useful hawk alarm...

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