Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

I haven't commented much on here but let me just say I love Derp, and applaud you for all you do! Derp is VERY lucky to have gotten you, who gave her a chance! And the very sweet Derp has persuaded me to get a couple of salmon faverolles, to love on!

Introducing Phoebe, Penny, & Pierre
Oh my goodness, aren't Faverolles chicks the cutest? In an ideal world I'd have the time, space and money to have a separate coop and flock of nothing but Faverolles.
hi food lady

i thought i would let you know that mr Wooster found a new home and went on sunday he made sure i would not forget him.

he smashed through plexiglass windows inthe coop on the saturday and refused to come back all day i manage to catch him once he was asleep at abou 10 pm !

on the sunday i took him to the nicelady and he escaped the box he was in and ran forfreeedom round a carpark which we all ranround chasing him he eventually gavein but refused to go back int he box.

today i received an email telling me they have given him a full name now so he is called Barnie
he has met up with the girls onthe farm and the old rooster Jim who he has accpeted to be his boss and is doing well.

i do hope that if Mr Gilli has to go to a new home it ends like this one
I haven't commented much on here but let me just say I love Derp, and applaud you for all you do! Derp is VERY lucky to have gotten you, who gave her a chance! And the very sweet Derp has persuaded me to get a couple of salmon faverolles, to love on!
Introducing Phoebe, Penny, & Pierre

I want some, too, only Bantams, and they are a little hard to find! Your babies are adorable!
Outside in the chicken run, the Fud Lady made an 'outdoor roost', which is really a fancy way of saying that she stuck a 2x4 out there for the girls to sit on when they want to get off the ground. Everyone except for big ole Mr. Gullin likes to go up there now and then... they sit, they preen, they watch the yard, they escape the rooster.

The two that like it most of all though, are the Faverolles, Derperella and Coho.
Derp and Coho have a special sort of sisterhood going. They do like one another, though like all siblings sometimes they don't see eye to eye.
One would figure that Derp would be the younger, brain-addled sibling. She's smaller, weaker, and never has any idea what is going on. But not so!
When they are on the outdoors perch, Coho will nearly turn herself inside out to crawl under Derperella. Coho does her best to get under that little Derp chicken, to the point where she's actually knocked Derp off a few times! But mostly, Coho is satisfied with getting her head underneath Derp's belly. Please imagine if you will, the beautiful large Lady Coho, with her head and neck shoved under the little scruffy Derperella. For hours.

What does Derp do the whole time?
She preens. And stands proud.

The Fud Lady will try to get a photo of this some day. She can only see it happening from inside the house-- if she goes outside all the chickens jump down and run to the gate for treats/out time!

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