Desperately seeking help, my favorite hen's legs are paralyzed


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 9, 2012
Homestead, FL
I've decided to change my thread to better explain what I see happening to my girl. Shes my favorite hen. I only have two and i really favor this one. Shes got a sweet disposition. During the day she normally sits close to the back door so she can aatch me go about my day inside and then she follows me when i come outside. You can imagine how excited i was when she didnt come ro greet me one morning and i found her in a secluded xorner of the yard keeping some eggs warm. Unfortunately, i had to move her nest because she was getting rained on and she decided she was done nesting. Over the course of the next weeks she seemed to be lying down all the time. Initially, i didnt think anything of it, i figured she was recently broody, and was still missing the feathers on her underside and was probably still feeling a little nesty. But, over the course of the past week I found it kinda strange that she was laying down to when she ate, but she was walking and running around just fine and was just as sweet and sunny as always. The day before yesterday I initially posted this thread because, when i went out to feed her and her sister, i noticed that she was flying over to me to get her food and her legs were acting funny. Despite curcumstance, her appetite was still great and she was drinking water and as the days progressed she started to walk just fine. Yesterday, when I came out only her sister was at the back door to greet me. I ran out to look for my other girl. My heart sank I found her. She was lying on her side, in the grass, with both of her legs pointed straight out. As she saw me approaching she used her wings to scoot towards me, but the legs seemed to be paralyzed. I immediately took her inside. I wrapped her in a towel and gave her fresh food and water. She flailed around while trying to prop herself up to eat. After i got her situated, I went out to the local feed store to try and get some advice. No vets in the area handle chickens. The folks at the feedstore gave some suggestions, but seemed as stumped as i was. When I got back, i found her sitting square on her butt with her legs pointing straight out in front of her, her wings spread out on her sides propping her up. I could really use some advice. I'm not so sure it's mareck's. I'm really not sure what it is. While i continue to research, I'm going to keep her comfortable. She's in good spirits and as long as she's willing, I'll do what I can to help her get better.
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Just an update. She can't walk at all now. Or stand or sit for that matter. It seems her legs aren't cooperating. She's got a healthy appetite. It just seems to be her legs. Thanks for the advice, I tried to readjust her tendons. No difference though. She seems to be paralyzed.
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Also I forget to mention, her legs are poined straight out and kinds locked in that position. She can't seem to bend them.
So sorry. Are there any other symptoms? Weird poops, respiratory signs or discharges?

People recommend dosing with crushed vitamin b complex and multi baby vitamins and see if that helps.
Hello, years ago one of my hens legs were like that....research botulism (above). With my girl I gave her baby liquid vitamins (without iron) and epson salt mixed with water. Within a week she was fine. I don't know if it was the vitamins or epson salt mixture but it worked for her.

Hope this helps.
Today's update: She seems to be in good spirits still. Every time I come into the room where she's at, she starts cooing. From what I can tell there are no other symptoms. She is missing some feathers on her underside, but I'm not really sure if that is due to her broodiness or otherwise. She's still laying eggs everyday and her feces look pretty normal. No labored breathing. She can just barely use her legs to push her around on the floor, but for the most part they don't seem to be doing her any good.As time goes by, she seems to be frustrated with the fact that they are not helping her out much. I was examining her feet this morning and it seems she may have bumble foot. It's not swollen and does not look inflamed, but there seems to be a little black spot on the bottom of one of her feet. I went back to the feed store to see if they had anymore advice,the kind lady at the local feed store suggested giving her antibiotics for a week to see if it helps out. In addition to the medicine, I'll take both of your advice and give her epsom salt baths and try the vitamins.Thank you so much for responding and I'll keep you all updated. Keep her in your thoughts.
If she had botulism or was septic from bumblefoot, she would not eat. With Marek's, they can seem happy and seem like they're eating, just not walk. I'm surprised she's still laying eggs. It could be a neurological problem. Where did you get the chickens from and how old were they when you got them?
I purchased her and her sister from a farm nearby that sells chickens for food. When I got her she was about two months shy of paying her first egg. Is there anything that I can do if it is Marecks?
When I read of someone having this problem, I always want to jump in and tell my story. I had a chicken doing what yours is doing...couldn't use her legs. I went to the store and got a bottle of B12 complex capsules. I put her in a cage by herself (still outside) and opened the capsules and put the powder in and on everything that went into her mouth...all water, all food. I paid no attention to how much she was getting...I just made sure she had it all the time.
In about 2 weeks, she suddenly started standing. Wobbly at first, and I kept her in the cage for another 3 days or so. Then put her out with the others. Of course they pecked at her, and she did fight back. Soon they ignored her, and now she has the biggest and strongest legs of any chicken I have. Also she started crowing and I had to rename her...from Barbara to Bob.
He has developed pads on the bottom of his feet..with dark places in the center. Doesn't look like infection, and it doesn't seem to bother him, but I'm so afraid it is bumblefoot. He is too big for me to handle by myself, so I'm just ignoring it and what? Hope it goes away? I guess I have to face it one of these days.
Try the B12 complex capsules. It can't hurt, and might work like it did for me.
Good luck!

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