DH's good friend and his stupid dog-a vent! Warning...it's long!

I have read all of the replies and I'm with you, Wildsky. Hubby's friend or not, the first time he would have had a piece of my mind, and if he thought I was a b*tch then that's his problem. As for Hubby, I can't believe he isn't backing her up. I'd kick his butt, too!
The total lack of respect is something that'll happen only if you allow it to happen.
Now please dont get me wrong! I love animals. But... I will protect my flock the same as i would my child! I had a friend with a chicken munching dog who did not get the point! That is untill >>>>>>>
He learned how bad it hurt to get shot with Miss.Aliena's Special FROZEN PAINT BALLS!! Stopped the dog Cold in his tracks!
I read your post to my family. No one can believe that your husband isn't supporting you 100% in this and that he hasn't seen that this other person isn't a friend at all.

My DH suggested that the next time he comes over with the dog, have one of your friends, who lives close, on stand-by. While you keep the little boys (sorry - DH and his friend) busy in the house, have your friend take the dog on a car ride a looooong ways away. (The further away the better.)

You can then say you don't know what happened to the dog when the pretend friend goes out and can't find his dog. Since you were in the house with them - they can't say you did something to the dog.

Now - none of this is fair to the dog... it isn't his fault his owner is a blooming idiot.

I had a dog that was born with only two functioning brain cells
but she was my favorite little sweetie. I just had to take care to keep an eye on her all the time as she had no sense whatsoever. She has died. I still miss her terribly; she loved everybody but thought I was the cat's meow in her life.

Good luck with whatever you decide. I hope your DH grows a backbone and realizes where his loyalties should lie.

I'm editing this because I was doing several things at the same time last night and realized that I didn't finish our thought and it sounds bad as it is. We didn't mean to have the dog just dropped off somewhere it should be taken to a shelter. Then, you can suggest that your DH's 'friend' look at all the shelters in the area and he will find his dog. He will not only spend his time looking but will then have to pay to get his dog out. Maybe (I stress the maybe since he doesn't seem to be too bright) he will leave his dog at home in the future so as not to take the chance of losing his dog at your place again.

We would never advocate to abandon any animal. We aren't even big on taking animals to shelters but there are times when that is the best solution. Sorry I screwed up our response by not paying better attention to what I was typing.
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It's simple, tell the guy to leave his dog at home. If he shows up with the dog then tell him to leave. You don't have to plot to kidnap the dog. The dog does not deserve to be treated bad because his owner is dumb. If you take the dog away it will just get hit by a car OR run into someone else's yard and torment their chickens. Like I said it's not the dogs fault, his owner should know better!
If your husband can't find his backbone---both of you should be a united front--- his disrepecting friend and dog should be told goodbye and shown the door. If your husband doesn't see the situation as being disrespectful to what is yours, then with your animals including your cats being harassed, you do have the right to protect them with much surer methods...as in a gun! I'm not at all playing with my words! I mean what I say!

You do have a right to everything of yours being respected, so does your daughter and her belongings---your husband wouldn't allow anyone to keep disrespecting anything of his, would he? That friend of your husband should pay for the exact same bedding his dog ruined!
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If my husband told me he was sick of my complaining and that he'd have whoever he wanted over, he'd be living somewhere else...buddy or no buddy, he needs to consider your feelings!
I hope you will put your foot down (both feet actually) immediately if not sooner because god forbid this idiot comes by with the dog to see your DH when you are not home to babysit them and he lets the dog loose. Irrevocable heartache could result and it's a price you shouldn't have to pay. Your DH should respect you for insisting unequivocally on the protection of those in your care. Sending wishes for strength and fortitude!
I wouldn't makes waves...

I'd make a freakin TSUNAMI! but thats just me , and we won't talk about that here because the problem would be solved in less than 30 seconds, but would not be very diplomatic and might get very messy. :thun

The real problem is with your DH who is disrespecting you and your DD.

If I were you I think I'd have a headache for as long as it takes to remind him some of the many things that will not happen while you are being disrespected.

He needs to grow a set, if you know what I mean, and take care of the family interest first.

If he dosen't, then you need a new DH. (IMHO)

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