DH's gout??

my dh has taken daily allopurinol too. I couldn't rmemeber the name of the med until I saw it here. His mom also took this med for years. It doesn't seem to have any nasty side effects. My husband and MIL haven't had any flare ups in a loooong time, so they are both off the meds.

I don't know if the allopurinol helps clear the condition if you are having a flare up. Dh found that the ice and heat routine also help, as did elevating his foot. Not sure how you would do that with an arm.

Good luck to your dh, I'm sorry he has to go through this miserable thing.
I'm kinda clueless about gout, so I'll be doing research tonight.

"uric acid levels are high in those patients with syndrome X, otherwise known as insulin resistance. This means that excessive carbohydrate consumption, particularly of refined flour and sugar, foods that in previous times were solely the domain of the wealthy, can also raise the uric acid levels and precipitate gout. This fact also explains the frequent finding of obesity in those suffering from gout."

"The scientific research clearly shows that fructose has a direct metabolization path to uric acid. There have been several studies that have looking at soft drink consumption, both in it relationship to it ability to create uric acid in the body and directly as a cause of gout. These studies have shown a strong links between consumption of fructose and higher levels of uric acid and more frequent gout."

Lots of carbs and fruit are one way to make gout worse.​
"uric acid levels are high in those patients with syndrome X, otherwise known as insulin resistance. This means that excessive carbohydrate consumption, particularly of refined flour and sugar, foods that in previous times were solely the domain of the wealthy, can also raise the uric acid levels and precipitate gout. This fact also explains the frequent finding of obesity in those suffering from gout."

"The scientific research clearly shows that fructose has a direct metabolization path to uric acid. There have been several studies that have looking at soft drink consumption, both in it relationship to it ability to create uric acid in the body and directly as a cause of gout. These studies have shown a strong links between consumption of fructose and higher levels of uric acid and more frequent gout."

Lots of carbs and fruit are one way to make gout worse.

Thanks for that info. It's going to be hard to get DH to adjust his diet. I've been trying to do that for 6 years now!
I have it. One of the best things is keep the body flushed with plenty of water, different foods affect different people. For me tomato sauce is the worst. There are 2 types of meds for it, one is the daily med to lower the uric acid level (my older brother has it real bad and he takes the daily) the other, what I take is an "as needed" for a flare up. I'll look tonight and see what it is for you. it's more of an anti inflamitory but it works well. I don't like meds of any kind so I will stick with the as needed as long as I can.

You can do a trial and error for the foods and see what triggers him but the biggest thing is the water intake. My doctor allways tells me flush flush flush so you have to flush flush flush the toilet. In the summer when i'm sweating alot I get it more since i'm more dehydrated.

Oh and on an even better note... guess what else high levels of uric acid make us prone to? Kidney stones. yaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Lucky for me I haven't had the pleasure yet but my other family members tell me they are very painful.

Steve in NC
Thanks for your input Steve.
The doctor gave him darvocets and told him to take it as often as needed. They don't help his pain much, but they do knock him out so he gets relief. Doctor also told him to take aleve, but no more than three times a week. Told DH he would rather him rely on the darvocet more than the aleve.
Darvocet makes me

I believe I take too much Aleve, but it at least does the job and keeps it away for awhile. That Darvocet...

I'm glad he's finding a little bit of relief. Is there any way to feed him some homemade chicken noodle soup? (Made out of store-bought chicken of course!)
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My husband has gout, takes medication for it, but I worked with a realtor whose DH had it, and he swore when he ate fresh cherries, which I know is one thing that is suppose to work wonders, it did the trick for him. My DH isn't here, or I would ask him . . .its high uric acid I think, and is a hereditary thing. . .drinking a lot of water helps flush the crystals out of the kidneys. Our daughter had uric acid count as high as an old man's when she was about 12 years old, Doctor was just amazed, never had seen anything like it, and he said water was a good thing to do, and luckily she loved water and drank and drank and drank and it took care of it. She started out with a terrible pain in her side, so this is what the tests results showed. She also has all the same health issues her DD does too, and she is now 32. Isn't hereditary wonderful???
My uncle had gout. Lost a toe here, a toe there... Very bad and painful. If your DH is overweight, he's going to need to slim down - fast. That's probably the best thing to do initially. My uncle was stubborn too and never wanted to loose weight. He died several years ago at the age of 58! Sad really.
I just thought of the name, Indomethacin is what I take, as needed. You can feel it coming on so I just take that for a day or so and it clears it right up if you catch it early. If it's a bad attack it takes longer to clear up.


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