Diamond in the Rough? OEG experts, come see


8 Years
Jun 22, 2011

I went and got these 2 hens yesterday. $5 each. I wanted 2 Mille Fleur colored hens... basically mutt mille fleur d'uccles. Because i figured they'd make good setters. But the woman only had 1. So i was like hey, i've only got a ten and she was like well let's just find you another bird. So I picked the blue and yellow hen. She really caught my eye. And she looks like a Lemon Blue OEG hen to me. But this woman had all mixed chickens. Without asking the woman where she got this hen to determine chances of being purebred, can you look and see if i perhaps got a 'diamond in the rough' and got a purebred bird?
Click on them to make them bigger
I'm no expert but isn't the head/neck more of a gold-brown than lemon? I thought lemon was supposed to be more yellow than that.

She is gorgeous, though
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There's a issue I've noticed with photobucket, where the pictures in the album will load really tiny for some computers(it does this on my main computer). No idea why. But the direct link shows the picture at full size.

Sorry I can't help with the breeds, but here are the fullsized pics for those with trouble seeing them.


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