Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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I just got here and I'm doing it.

it doesn't take long.
so "if" a person was thinkin of gettin an extra bator for hatching... a still air Styrofoam one would prob be fine right? ;)
so "if" a person was thinkin of gettin an extra bator for hatching... a still air Styrofoam one would prob be fine right?

Yes, a still air styrofoam incubator would be fine for hatching. That's what I use.

and if you go that direction, I recommend a hova-bator. I believe that they're a bit more reliable, but it may just be my personal preference.
I just sold most of my chickens and the coop. Mom and babies are going tomorrow and only the 3 youngsters are staying behind. Our landlord's taking them.

This bit was not easy
When I saw the coop on the trailer I couldn't help thinking of that day we bought our first hens and had to put them in the bathroom, because the coop was due to be delivered the next day only, but I couldn't wait another week for my chickens. And then the courier phoned to say he's on his way with the coop. It was crazy, but so exiting... looking at the chickens at market and choosing hens to buy and then bringing them home. Getting the coop delivered that afternoon and scrubbing chicken poop off the bathroom floor. DH thought I should've waited, but I just wanted chickens again. It was so nice to have chickens again.

I'm so sorry Sumi.

Your story reminds me of when I first got chickens. I was so excited. That was one of the best days I have ever had and I can remember it almost perfectly.
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I haven't figured out how to do that. Wouldn't some be in there that's not ready for lock down when you have to raise the humidity??

Most people simply use 2 incubators. One for incubation, and one for hatching, but it is possible to do a staggered hatch with a single incubator.

I did a couple of times with only one incubator. As long as the air cells are properly developed, the eggs will be fine. When I increased the humidity for one batch, I would greatly lower the humidity a few days after the hatch. The main thing is watching air cells and weighing the eggs.

During the hatches, I separated the eggs that were supposed to hatch into baskets so that the chicks couldn't bother the developing eggs.
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ahhh..see that was my question...how to keep the hatchers from messin up the still incubators! what about turning during lockdown???
I am using just one bater here at home right now (two are loaned out to my kids' school) and I'm doing incubating and hatching of staggered hatches. I raise humidity as normal for lockdown (I set once a week right now) and then just go back to normal humidity for me right after hatch. In fact, I don't raise humidity until internal pipping. Today, I have Java chickens set with turkeys and geese, hatching fine. Last week I had goslings hatching. Next week gosling and turkeys both. :D
How in the world do you see internal pipping and detached air cells? I cant see inside the eggs very well and I have a high powered flashlight that is just the right size for eggs. Am I missing something? Is it only for white eggs?
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