Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Chicksooner. . .great idea!!. . .duh, doink, you would think I would have caught that, being a nurse. . double duh!
I just a wee bit burnt out, I don't know how Sally and some of the others keep going, going, going. . .that's why I cheer from the sidelines. LOL.
I have cooked liver and I will try that. Thanks a bunch!

Keep us posted.
or anyone that knows hospital procedures for this stuff, I am trying to figure out how to find out if all these emails and telephone calls are true we are getting from friends and family or if we should call someone and if so whom! please PM me!!!!

Here if you need to vent but I have no advice.

If it is through the Department, you should be able to ask the department to just give you a new care and custody letter. I'm a child welfare case worker in FL. You can PM me and I'll see if I can help. Does the department want the child to have visitation w parents? I have no clue but if you fill me in I might can advise. My job is to help parents work a case plan to be reunified w their child while also working for permanency for the child if the parents aren't able to keep the children safe.

I work with the judge, parents, caregivers, GAL, state attorneys, and all other resources (sort of the middle man).

If it is through the Department, you should be able to ask the department to just give you a new care and custody letter. I'm a child welfare case worker in FL. You can PM me and I'll see if I can help. Does the department want the child to have visitation w parents? I have no clue but if you fill me in I might can advise. My job is to help parents work a case plan to be reunified w their child while also working for permanency for the child if the parents aren't able to keep the children safe.

I work with the judge, parents, caregivers, GAL, state attorneys, and all other resources (sort of the middle man).
sent pm
I am back !! It was a pc/byc issue with cookies and certificates . It still won't run my BYC on my internet explorer but i got smart and re downloaded google chrome and low and behold it works here !!! I could post pms from my phone but i can't read the tiny regular posts well enough to do summaries etc from the phone !!
I just sold my pair of Sebastopol geese. They were beautiful, but they were mean. I'd rather raise a bunch of goslings like Goosey so that they imprint on me.

Also, I just picked up a bunch of 6 foot dog kennel panels so as soon as the neighbor brings over his spreader, I'm going to clean out the coop and expand/divide it. It hasn't been cleaned out in over 6 months...
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