Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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I am back !! It was a pc/byc issue with cookies and certificates . It still won't run my BYC on my internet explorer but i got smart and re downloaded google chrome and low and behold it works here !!! I could post pms from my phone but i can't read the tiny regular posts well enough to do summaries etc from the phone !! 

Broody hen hatched two chicks. She only had 9 eggs left. She started with 14. Hmmmm. 9 eggs. 2 chicks. What happened to the other three eggs. I took her and locked her up with feed and water and put her two chicks with a bunch of others about the same age. I put her 9 eggs in a hatcher. It's day 23. Not holding out much hope. Two chicks isn't enough chicks for a hen to raise and not be producing. If she had 7 to 10. She would be raising them. I'll keep her up a couple days and let her out. Still have another hen on day 22. No chicks with her yet. She might just be day 20 or 21. I was out of town and wasn't sure when she started sitting. Going to leave her a few days.
Pic overload warning.

She gives a really good stink eye. Mean protective momma
Lost one of the chicks with the seizures. Trying the drops on the last one. It must be the eggs from this particular breeder. It's not working so far. Still seizures. I have it inside the feeder. It can stand in there because it can balance. I'm watering it with the dropper.
Summary 5/15/13~5/16/13

Sally explained in pictures how sharron could upload a picture

and lockdown of the last tpolish was on the 14- any hatching yet?

ToastnJelly had hobbles on the chick and it seemed to be on its feet better

And sally found a page about using a kids hairband for spaddle leg and suggested a warm rice bag and electrolites

chirping cricket thanked sumi for the nutritional deficiency post

After reading all the info doug thinks the hatching problem is out of his control and might actually be a shipped/poor egg quality issue
and as a quick update ... opened and checked eggs- 2 live chicks with yolk sacks showing that quickly absorbed
and had saved 5~7 chicks and 2 turkeys
and believes the spiked eggs might still be making it (a lot of veining and blobs sounds about right to me)
and has a hatch going on in the chicken house as well

Sally assured me that it is ok to have ACV in the water and use FF as the ACV is just the started in FF
and she is still researching the waterer plastic warmth cancer possibility issue

And remember folks - This thread is useless without "Pichers" !!
Oz said meal worms sound disgusting and glad he doesn't have that issues

gardeningmama had a chick like TnJ's and unfortunatly had to cull, loves the tpolish and suggested Sally go see Lucy lol

doug said the funny thing was he had better luck with the saddle eggs than the rest ..and has one hatched in the chicken house so far ... will update as I scroll through

When TnP hears Sara she wants to answer - as she is a sara too

dcba asked if the mealworm/Mareks issue was for only the live worms or the dried ones as well
and was reading that some people hang deceased animals in buckets to create maggot colonies - (EWWW!)

maryhysong said this was once widely promoted and said she agrees it sounds gross but if one had a large pasture it might work

mikkles ask why TnJ ups humidity for shipped eggs

Sumi wished TnJ good luck on the chick she is helping
and likes to research ..she ask does candling or upset the embryo.. hmm never thought of that .. the light might surprise them but i don't think it really harmful myself

TnJ said upping the humidity so aircells dont grow too quickly is mentioned in Sally's article in reply to mikkles

Tony's mite issue seems to be getting better and he will dust again just in case eggs hatch out more mites.. not the chicken eggs lol but the mite eggs
and he stated that men are just big kids lol

Sally asked if anyone knows if testing can be done somewhere cheaply

Sally also says that when hatching different batches of eggs she bases humidity on average of the eggs and if they grow too fast add more, too slow take it away

cochins explained to mikkles to read the article and that humidity depends on many factors

and suggested tony dust 2~3 times to ensure avoiding a reinfestation

and Tony has wisely decided to get a mask and gloves for the next dusting

and after 12 days mr sally is better and she is kinda enjoying having adult company around

Sally shared her bug routine on post 15788

Nicole01 said they hatched 12 eggs with saddle air cells but thinks it never would have worked without the egg turner

Doug's weaker chick seems to be doing some better

Sally asked for help explaining the information re plastics and heat and cancer ... see post 15796

sumi shared another bra bator link lol a little different than the last one

gardeningmama had a case of the heebie jeebies and went out the door to clean and dust the coops for prevention

Doug shared a picture of the aformentioned chick on post 15801 ..WHAT A CUTIE !!

Chicksooner's broody failed to hatch a single chick but had one hatch in the bator and the mother accepted it and she has a few more in the bator
and the mom seems to be better on her feet these days as well

Doug has some cute baby turkeys on post 15805

chicksooner says turkey chicks are cute but it wears off fast !!

Sally Suggested Doug look at the links in the hatching 101 and see how much one has to alter things as they go ... might be humidity might not

Sally wished chicksooner good luck with her broody and chicksooner has another pipped that hopefully can join the first chick with mamahen

Doug said mrs doug was feeding the weak chick and had trouble telling it from the good chick and we all agreed that was a good sign

Sally was waiting on chad to pick up the auction chickens and wondered if sliced oranges would be ok to put in the boxes

ms steak thinks angel/miracle is a very lovely chick

Sally is thinking she will research if the reason her birds stink is due to the blood in the high protein feed

dcba says she is all for protein for the chooks but thinks liver puree is a better options for hers

sumi suggested sally not only add the orange slices but ask if their is a way chad could give them water before leaving the auction house

cochins agreed the chooks could have oranges and hers love them and grapes


dropped in and hopes to learn from us .. just set eggs on mother's day 10bcm,2ee, and 2 sc and asked if her temps and humidity were ok ... i do believe the temp should be higher at 102 ..correct ? for a still air

cody stopped back in his staggered hatch of duck,turkey,chicken, and guinea eggs seems to be going right along and it was suggested if he wanted to snatch the early hatchling out so they wouldnt knock around eggs that is was ok but do it quickly and mist the sides of the bator .. not the eggs if possible..and quickly snatch out the hatchers
the reason to avoid spraying the eggs is to avoid drowning pipped chicks

doug was wondering if the broody's eggs got cold bc so far there was only one chick

cochins suggested that doug put a dot on angel/miracle's head with food coloring for now to tell it from the other chicks

Sally has tons of birds to leave her house today ...so its pretty quiet in the grow out pens .... and she has 5 red silkies - supposedly .. havent seen pictures yet but would love to !!

poor kaybee had to put down the cross beaked chick

gardeningmama was wiped out after doing all the coops and birds and was vaguely lamenting the eggs that would be toss .. doug said ya cant eat them after the birds are treated but ya can hatch them !!

oohh i made number one posting .. and missed it ... but ty oz
and i was locked out due to pc compatibility issues i guess it is ... even now i cannot log in when in internet explorer .. it is just odd

cody42 is up to 7 turkeys, 1 duck, and 1 guinea..no chickens pipped yet but is hanging in there hoping they are just on their own time frame as they were added a week later

Dougs two chicks are having floppy/seizure like moments - oh no !!
pics 15864
Sally was going to help research

TnP says wobbles is terrified of his/her person .. my ducks were that way the first 2/3 weeks then they warmed up

chickengirl1304 popped in and asked for help with a chick with a leg problem
sally posted a reply on post 15877

Sally remined cody they dont exist without pictures lol
(says the lady who thus far has invisible red silkies !! )

Sallys good and bad news - one coturnix pip and one of sara's has a pip but another of sara's is off and sally is worried cause she is out of grow gel and it might help this chick

rennerae sadly lost a silkie in the egg for unknown reasons and is having some court paper issues - hopefully she found help !!

Tony couldn't see wasting eggs so decided to pickle the ones he is getting now and guesses worst case scenario - he will be wormed as well !!

aww one of the unpipped sara eggs was a goner but sally is assisting the other one

Tony FINALLY posted pics of the new area post 15893 - looks so great and peaceful .. i should stop by for a visit lol
and posted updated chicken pictures on post 15904

motorcyclechick told TnP to try reaching from behind to handle ducky

chirpingcricket was handing out hugs and
for those having hatching issues and is cheering everyone on
she had chicks with cocci that seems to be clearing up
and wishes everyone with hatches/chickies congrats

sally ask for email help concerning addiction cases and kids - please message her in pm

chicksooner gave a broody update again mamahen has 2 chicks with her and a 3rd in the bator still drying plus 4 eggs in that seem to be pipped internally
and suggested to chirp that she give the weaker chicks liver

chickefun loves tony's set up

i did get the zip codes that were posted and will add them

cochins sold her geese b/c they were mean and picked up some dog kennel panels for expansion and division

Doug has 2 chicks with broody hen and she has 9 eggs left and has another hen on day 22 or so with no chicks yet

chicksooner posted chickie pics !! post 15934

and my first batch from the scrambled eggs went into lock down tonight ... question~ i am doing a staggered hatch and the second batch will not go into lock down for two more days ... will the "extra" humidity and not turning hurt them? or should i do my best to keep the humidity right and quickly open to turn them for the next two days until they go into lock down ?!? never done a staggered hatch before ...

For Now

Secretary Silver
Lost one of the chicks with the seizures. Trying the drops on the last one. It must be the eggs from this particular breeder. It's not working so far. Still seizures. I have it inside the feeder. It can stand in there because it can balance. I'm watering it with the dropper.
aww so sorry to hear .. hope the other one makes it !!!
Summary 5/15/13~5/16/13

Sally explained in pictures how sharron could upload a picture

and lockdown of the last tpolish was on the 14- any hatching yet?

ToastnJelly had hobbles on the chick and it seemed to be on its feet better

And sally found a page about using a kids hairband for spaddle leg and suggested a warm rice bag and electrolites

chirping cricket thanked sumi for the nutritional deficiency post

After reading all the info doug thinks the hatching problem is out of his control and might actually be a shipped/poor egg quality issue
and as a quick update ... opened and checked eggs- 2 live chicks with yolk sacks showing that quickly absorbed
and had saved 5~7 chicks and 2 turkeys
and believes the spiked eggs might still be making it (a lot of veining and blobs sounds about right to me)
and has a hatch going on in the chicken house as well

Sally assured me that it is ok to have ACV in the water and use FF as the ACV is just the started in FF
and she is still researching the waterer plastic warmth cancer possibility issue

And remember folks - This thread is useless without "Pichers" !!
Oz said meal worms sound disgusting and glad he doesn't have that issues

gardeningmama had a chick like TnJ's and unfortunatly had to cull, loves the tpolish and suggested Sally go see Lucy lol

doug said the funny thing was he had better luck with the saddle eggs than the rest ..and has one hatched in the chicken house so far ... will update as I scroll through

When TnP hears Sara she wants to answer - as she is a sara too

dcba asked if the mealworm/Mareks issue was for only the live worms or the dried ones as well
and was reading that some people hang deceased animals in buckets to create maggot colonies - (EWWW!)

maryhysong said this was once widely promoted and said she agrees it sounds gross but if one had a large pasture it might work

mikkles ask why TnJ ups humidity for shipped eggs

Sumi wished TnJ good luck on the chick she is helping
and likes to research ..she ask does candling or upset the embryo.. hmm never thought of that .. the light might surprise them but i don't think it really harmful myself

TnJ said upping the humidity so aircells dont grow too quickly is mentioned in Sally's article in reply to mikkles

Tony's mite issue seems to be getting better and he will dust again just in case eggs hatch out more mites.. not the chicken eggs lol but the mite eggs
and he stated that men are just big kids lol

Sally asked if anyone knows if testing can be done somewhere cheaply

Sally also says that when hatching different batches of eggs she bases humidity on average of the eggs and if they grow too fast add more, too slow take it away

cochins explained to mikkles to read the article and that humidity depends on many factors

and suggested tony dust 2~3 times to ensure avoiding a reinfestation

and Tony has wisely decided to get a mask and gloves for the next dusting

and after 12 days mr sally is better and she is kinda enjoying having adult company around

Sally shared her bug routine on post 15788

Nicole01 said they hatched 12 eggs with saddle air cells but thinks it never would have worked without the egg turner

Doug's weaker chick seems to be doing some better

Sally asked for help explaining the information re plastics and heat and cancer ... see post 15796

sumi shared another bra bator link lol a little different than the last one

gardeningmama had a case of the heebie jeebies and went out the door to clean and dust the coops for prevention

Doug shared a picture of the aformentioned chick on post 15801 ..WHAT A CUTIE !!

Chicksooner's broody failed to hatch a single chick but had one hatch in the bator and the mother accepted it and she has a few more in the bator
and the mom seems to be better on her feet these days as well

Doug has some cute baby turkeys on post 15805

chicksooner says turkey chicks are cute but it wears off fast !!

Sally Suggested Doug look at the links in the hatching 101 and see how much one has to alter things as they go ... might be humidity might not

Sally wished chicksooner good luck with her broody and chicksooner has another pipped that hopefully can join the first chick with mamahen

Doug said mrs doug was feeding the weak chick and had trouble telling it from the good chick and we all agreed that was a good sign

Sally was waiting on chad to pick up the auction chickens and wondered if sliced oranges would be ok to put in the boxes

ms steak thinks angel/miracle is a very lovely chick

Sally is thinking she will research if the reason her birds stink is due to the blood in the high protein feed

dcba says she is all for protein for the chooks but thinks liver puree is a better options for hers

sumi suggested sally not only add the orange slices but ask if their is a way chad could give them water before leaving the auction house

cochins agreed the chooks could have oranges and hers love them and grapes


dropped in and hopes to learn from us .. just set eggs on mother's day 10bcm,2ee, and 2 sc and asked if her temps and humidity were ok ... i do believe the temp should be higher at 102 ..correct ? for a still air

cody stopped back in his staggered hatch of duck,turkey,chicken, and guinea eggs seems to be going right along and it was suggested if he wanted to snatch the early hatchling out so they wouldnt knock around eggs that is was ok but do it quickly and mist the sides of the bator .. not the eggs if possible..and quickly snatch out the hatchers
the reason to avoid spraying the eggs is to avoid drowning pipped chicks

doug was wondering if the broody's eggs got cold bc so far there was only one chick

cochins suggested that doug put a dot on angel/miracle's head with food coloring for now to tell it from the other chicks

Sally has tons of birds to leave her house today ...so its pretty quiet in the grow out pens .... and she has 5 red silkies - supposedly .. havent seen pictures yet but would love to !!

poor kaybee had to put down the cross beaked chick

gardeningmama was wiped out after doing all the coops and birds and was vaguely lamenting the eggs that would be toss .. doug said ya cant eat them after the birds are treated but ya can hatch them !!

oohh i made number one posting .. and missed it ... but ty oz
and i was locked out due to pc compatibility issues i guess it is ... even now i cannot log in when in internet explorer .. it is just odd

cody42 is up to 7 turkeys, 1 duck, and 1 guinea..no chickens pipped yet but is hanging in there hoping they are just on their own time frame as they were added a week later

Dougs two chicks are having floppy/seizure like moments - oh no !!
pics 15864
Sally was going to help research

TnP says wobbles is terrified of his/her person .. my ducks were that way the first 2/3 weeks then they warmed up

chickengirl1304 popped in and asked for help with a chick with a leg problem
sally posted a reply on post 15877

Sally remined cody they dont exist without pictures lol
(says the lady who thus far has invisible red silkies !! )

Sallys good and bad news - one coturnix pip and one of sara's has a pip but another of sara's is off and sally is worried cause she is out of grow gel and it might help this chick

rennerae sadly lost a silkie in the egg for unknown reasons and is having some court paper issues - hopefully she found help !!

Tony couldn't see wasting eggs so decided to pickle the ones he is getting now and guesses worst case scenario - he will be wormed as well !!

aww one of the unpipped sara eggs was a goner but sally is assisting the other one

Tony FINALLY posted pics of the new area post 15893 - looks so great and peaceful .. i should stop by for a visit lol
and posted updated chicken pictures on post 15904

motorcyclechick told TnP to try reaching from behind to handle ducky

chirpingcricket was handing out hugs and
for those having hatching issues and is cheering everyone on
she had chicks with cocci that seems to be clearing up
and wishes everyone with hatches/chickies congrats

sally ask for email help concerning addiction cases and kids - please message her in pm

chicksooner gave a broody update again mamahen has 2 chicks with her and a 3rd in the bator still drying plus 4 eggs in that seem to be pipped internally
and suggested to chirp that she give the weaker chicks liver

chickefun loves tony's set up

i did get the zip codes that were posted and will add them

cochins sold her geese b/c they were mean and picked up some dog kennel panels for expansion and division

Doug has 2 chicks with broody hen and she has 9 eggs left and has another hen on day 22 or so with no chicks yet

chicksooner posted chickie pics !! post 15934

and my first batch from the scrambled eggs went into lock down tonight ... question~ i am doing a staggered hatch and the second batch will not go into lock down for two more days ... will the "extra" humidity and not turning hurt them? or should i do my best to keep the humidity right and quickly open to turn them for the next two days until they go into lock down ?!? never done a staggered hatch before ...

For Now

Secretary Silver

Girl, you not only rock, you are the rock-ett!!
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