Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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new babies, hatched yesterday and last night, still more hatching, so far, 21 brahmas and one blue wheaten marans cross
THANKS FOR POSTING HELP SALLY, the little lemon pyle is the one in front of the marans chick

I put the other chick down this morning. Made me feel like crap. It just wasnt getting better and it was weak and one of its eyes was closed this morning. It looked like it had lost weight. It was chirping away. I didnt want my wife to have to come find another one dead. Jeez. They are just chickens.............................I keep telling myself that...............doesnt help much.........

Dad is worse than I am, Hes always trapped predators around the house and for years I had to go kill them for him. He has even watered them waiting for me. If I didnt come around, he would take them far off and dump the. Then feel bad for days because he might of dumped his problem on someone else. Hes finally gotten in the last few years where he can do it himself.
you raise the light brahmas don't you? if so, do some of these chicks look like they might be lights? i bought dark eggs and the nice man sent me thirty eggs, since i just got started in the darks, don't know if these chicks are darks or a mixture of both dark and lights

They look like darks to me. Light Brahmas are actually dark grey and black as chicks. I have seen them from hatchery's were they were leghorn yellow as chicks.
I just sold my pair of Sebastopol geese. They were beautiful, but they were mean. I'd rather raise a bunch of goslings like Goosey so that they imprint on me.

Also, I just picked up a bunch of 6 foot dog kennel panels so as soon as the neighbor brings over his spreader, I'm going to clean out the coop and expand/divide it. It hasn't been cleaned out in over 6 months...
I am not an expert with goose but I did have to sell my sebastopol because they were mean as well.I did raise them from babies and the problem was they were to attach to me so mating season came and I could not get in and out of my house because they want to be close to me (10 acres and want to be in my door to see what I was doing)but at the same time hormons kick in I guess, it was a mess thy attach my 3 year old as well so that was it,the rest of the year were friendly but I can not live 5-6 months with animals that attach my baby.Now they are at my friend house and he has 40 acres and has the same problem they are by his front door and fallow him al the time but still mean.So I am thinking that the breed is not good for me I am gonna try some pilgrims and see what happens with them.
I put the other chick down this morning. Made me feel like crap. It just wasnt getting better and it was weak and one of its eyes was closed this morning. It looked like it had lost weight. It was chirping away. I didnt want my wife to have to come find another one dead. Jeez. They are just chickens.............................I keep telling myself that...............doesnt help much.........

Dad is worse than I am, Hes always trapped predators around the house and for years I had to go kill them for him. He has even watered them waiting for me. If I didnt come around, he would take them far off and dump the. Then feel bad for days because he might of dumped his problem on someone else. Hes finally gotten in the last few years where he can do it himself.
I'm so sorry to hear that
I can't bring myself to put chicks down. I ask DH to do it for me and even that is hard for me to do. After all this time I still hate, hate, hate it. I hate losing against nature. But unfortunately the losses are part of this wonderful hobby of ours. You did what you could for the little one, you really did, but sadly sometimes they're not meant to live and there's nothing we can do about that. And no, they're not just chickens. They are awesome little creatures that deserves to be loved as much as any other pets. Nothing wrong with caring about them and feeling sad when you lose them.
I had 6 of my 12 original Safeway (grocery store) eggs hatch last night. I check on the last 3 last night. One ended up being clear, one had passed around 18 days. I knew the last one was alive, but having issues and was malpositioned. I tried to help, but I wasn't fast enough. She ended up with both her beak and her feet in the small end of the egg. It was rough, because I could see her moving until about 1 minute before I found her head. By the time I figured it out she was gone.
It was so close. These little chicks are so cute though.

and I had low chicken will-power yesterday, so I ended up with 3 assorted bantams from the feed store - when I had to get chicken food.

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