Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Okay, I'm going to share some good news . . . my three month olds have finally been allowed in the grown hens club!!! My almost 1 year olds have accepted them and they are all roosting together.
Ok. I have good news too. Some of my pullets have started laying. I got 7 eggs today and the most Ive ever got was 4 with the current flock and most days are 2 and 3. I have 13 pullets that should be laying anytime and 16 others that are very close. I sold all of my older hens earlier in the year. As soon as one of my Roos gets old enough, Im going to have to split my birds up into two groups so I will have two flocks of purebred wyandottes. Blrw and glw's. Now Im hatching SLW's with a bunch of Cuckoo marans and white crested black polish. Sigh. I may need 6 pens.
Okay, I'm going to share some good news . . . my three month olds have finally been allowed in the grown hens club!!! My almost 1 year olds have accepted them and they are all roosting together.
how did you know when to put them in. my 18 year old peck on my two month old when i try to put them in
how did you know when to put them in.  my 18 year old peck on my two month old when i try to put them in

i start putting my babies in a "playpen" when they're about 3-4 weeks and mostly feathered... they go out for the day. i have shelter of a dog crate or rubbermaid tub on it's side and an expen set up around them. then around 5 weeks they go in the little coop and i block off a section of the run just for them. by about 8 weeks i open the run and they get to free range with everyone but they go back to separate coops at night..getting them all into the main coop happens when i need the little coop for more babies! ;)

there is some pecking but i watch and it's minimal..no one gets beat up too much..just reminded that they're low on the pole!
Ok. I have good news too. Some of my pullets have started laying. I got 7 eggs today and the most Ive ever got was 4 with the current flock and most days are 2 and 3. I have 13 pullets that should be laying anytime and 16 others that are very close. I sold all of my older hens earlier in the year. As soon as one of my Roos gets old enough, Im going to have to split my birds up into two groups so I will have two flocks of purebred wyandottes. Blrw and glw's. Now Im hatching SLW's with a bunch of Cuckoo marans and white crested black polish. Sigh. I may need 6 pens.
We just built a new coop and run. I told my husband my plans with the chickens and he now knows we need more runs!!
The new one is so big but I may need to add on. I am going to be getting cochins next year, but this year in a weeks time I will be getting fizzle and buff orpingtons eggs! WHOOO HOOO
Mine are in a pen I made from PVC pipe and chicken wire from 6-8 weeks of age at night but run around during the day. I have a fenced backyard and plenty of places for the little ones to hide and roost separately from the big girls.
I just candle my shiped eggs today its day ten but i couldnt wait. lol one of my six bantams polish is with vains and moving and three of my ten tul polished too are with vains and moving all my six from my back yard longisland red are with vains but cant see any movement cause they are too dark shels. the air cell is not good on the shipped eggs so i am so afraid at hatch day
really hope for the best. I know i have my BYC friends to help when the time comes.

Thank you all
Very very disappointing to get up this morning to one more dead and one dying. I put it down. Others are sick. Should I increase the dosage? I'm doing 9 to 10 ml per gallon. They are drinking. I thought these last two were out of the woods. Guess not.
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