Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Sally...love your daughter's chicken costume and purse! How cute! Where do you find that stuff? ...How many chickens do you have? Well there is another egg with a crack and it has gotten bigger!
BATOR UPDATE - Last one until Ancona Duck LOCKDOWN for NYDay Hatch!!!

Harmony and Daddy's CoolerBATOR ROCKS yet AGAIN!! Thanks to Sara on BYC for the xtra eggs she sent with the duck eggs!!

7 out of 8 and that one pipped wrong end :(

BELOW is My FAVORITE PICTURE!! Harmony just "hangs" with her peeps!!


Below, Harmony has a photo shoot with her peeps!

Below are Harmonys Serama Peeps from CPL just before they were added with BHeps Serama peeps!!

All cozy together and seem to get along fine so far!! big differance a week.5 makes doesnt it?

With the last picture, are the chick's wings s'posed to be that frilled out? Like the yellow chick in the middle's feathers are bent outwards. Is it s'posed to look like that?

No problem, Sparkypatriot15 :) I posted some of my pictures :D
Sally...love your daughter's chicken costume and purse! How cute! Where do you find that stuff? ...How many chickens do you have? Well there is another egg with a crack and it has gotten bigger!
Thank you!!! amazon

LOVE everyones baby chick pictures!! Can't wait till I can share my own!

I'm also so happy everyone had such a beautiful Christmas!!

Sally - your kids are gorgeous!

I tried candling my eggs (my lav. orps that are only 4 days
) and i didn't really see much, but they dont look like the eggs from the store I looked at for comparison... so maybe growing??

what candling device does everyone use??
LOVE everyones baby chick pictures!! Can't wait till I can share my own!

I'm also so happy everyone had such a beautiful Christmas!!

Sally - your kids are gorgeous!

I tried candling my eggs (my lav. orps that are only 4 days
) and i didn't really see much, but they dont look like the eggs from the store I looked at for comparison... so maybe growing??

what candling device does everyone use??
I switched to a mini mag lite..... its early to candle try again on day 7..... and thank you!
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