Did I get a Roo???


10 Years
Dec 6, 2010
Branchburg, NJ
Decided to get a few chicks for eggs back in April. Got 4 from mypetchicken.com. Right from the start I noticed that one of the 4 looked different. I even posted the photo here for all the pro's to have a look, just to make sure I got all of the same breed. It was confirmed by everyone that looked at the post that I indeed had 4 easter eggers.
Here is the photo I posted. 3 look like chipmunks, but the other, dunno. . . .


Now that same dark chick looks like this. . . . . do I have a Roo????

This chick is starting to get aggressive with the other and has isolated one and will not leave her alone. There is no crowing or cock-a-doodle-do's.

How can I tell?

The others dont have as much pink on their faces.
Here they are together.
They look just like my Ameraucanas (e.g. EE). I had one that looked like a "chipmunk" and the other was just a gray little fluffy ball. I'm not an expert but, I'd think that its safe to say that she is a hen.
Beautiful birds, My friend has a pair of EE hens and a rooster. The rooster has thicker legs and a lot more fluff around the face. she looks a lot like my Ameraucana

I say hen.
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Deff looks like a hen! I have 3 Easter eggers I bought in April as well. One which looked like a chipmunk one was dark red with a black racing stripe down her back(Her name is Porscha lol) and one that was just dark dark red fluff ball.
but yes she is deff a hen

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