Did I get swindled?

If you ordered sexed pullets, then Hoovers messed up big time. Get out your receipt and get your money back. I think they usually say 80% of their sexed pullets will be pullets, so it's not uncommon to get a roo or two, but not every single one in an order as large as yours - that's excessive, IMO.

You deserve your money back and more for all the time and money you've invested in these birds when what you wanted were hens. I'm so sorry.
I’m trying to stay positive about the situation but I can’t help but feel a little scammed after all the money I’ve spent raising roosters…
And not to mention I’m having a heck of a time rehoming them which I obviously have to do before I can get hens because I don’t have space for the number of hens needed to support SEVEN roosters. Oh gosh… lol
I have been raising these guys since they were two days old. They are now almost 8 months old. I ordered all females, and obviously it didn’t shake out that way but I still love them. They are supposed to be barred rocks and partridge rocks but I don’t know enough about chickens to confirm or deny that’s what they really are. This is my first flock. I’ve had people I really trust say they are all roosters. And I’ve had people I trust say there are some hens in the mix.
Only two of them crow (Jalapeño and Freckles). No one lays (or if they are they are hiding their stash). And no one mounts (at least not in my presence).
Any chance I have any hens? Or was I swindled and given all roosters?
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All males
I’m trying to stay positive about the situation but I can’t help but feel a little scammed after all the money I’ve spent raising roosters…
And not to mention I’m having a heck of a time rehoming them which I obviously have to do before I can get hens because I don’t have space for the number of hens needed to support SEVEN roosters. Oh gosh… lol
I'm mad on your behalf.

Next time, consider getting sex-linked or auto-sexing breeds. That way you'll know if they're male or female from the beginning based on how they look as chicks, and will not be stuck raising roosters.

Also, post pictures on here and we can help you make sure you got what you think you got.

Sex is visible as early as 6-8 weeks for most birds, and by that time we can usually tell what breed you got also. Sometimes we can tell what breed you have from day old chick pictures if you know what they're supposed to be.
I was suspicious of this!
Are the black and white ones black sex link cockerels?
And do you have an idea of what the red/brown ones are?
The black and white ones could be male black sex links. But honestly they may also be what Hoover's is selling as barred Rocks. A year or two ago they were definitely selling birds as BRs that had really weird patterns.
Hoover's is such trash when it comes to everything. Correct for the breed, the correct breed or correct sex. I wish farm stores would get the picture and quit using them.
As for the red ones it's been a long day and ATM a breed isn't coming to mind but with that type of comb someone will come along that knows.

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