Did it happen or would we all be dead? Black hole.

Sorry, I don't want this to become a "religious" argument, because semantics will destroy a thread posting easily.
But, it's not semantics. And the scripture I mentioned is found in the Torah portion of the Bible. And if the Torah scrolls are being read out loud by someone that is only one translation! And yes it does matter to us!
Now that it's been deleted, my response may not make sense. Oh well....it's probably for the best!
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I say nonsense on the black holes theory.....if we ever go out a big bang, it would be over pretty quick.

What did Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawkings have to say about that???????????????/
Hmmm... I wonder if what they're really hoping for is wormhole technology
LOL (Can't wait for Sci-fi to become Sci-real!)
Has anyone mentioned that the collider was just activated with particles moving in the counter-clockwise direction this morning, and that they intend to run it that way for a month before trying just the clockwise for a month? Only THEN will they try both simultaneously...

I worked for the Elec. Engineering/Comp. Science Dept. at KU for the last several years and we have a team on the CERN project. We have one on CRINC, too, studying the ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland to study the effect of global warming. It's very interesting stuff!

I'm not afraid, either way- God does it in His time, and I'm on His team...
Yay, teleportation! I could zip over and snag some of the amazing chickies people keep posting about, and zip right home before I left if they get this study right!

Better yet, I could stop myself from eating that bag of Dove chocolates that one time it took to get addicted, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'd get back into my sassy pants!
Hey, I'm kind of glad it worked because if this is to help prove the "Big Bang Theory" over Creatiionalism(?sp?), life will begin from nothing. If it doesn't, they are in Big(pun intended)trouble with their theory. Whenever this debate comes up, I am reminded of the words of my highschool biology teacher... " I don't know exactly how the World was formed, but however it came into existance,my God was responsible for it." Don't you think that when God spoke the World into existance,it might have caused a big bang? As a believer,I embrace science because God is the greatest scientist of all.

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