Did it happen or would we all be dead? Black hole.

The only thing I believe will destroy this Earth is people. Your greatest danger is, in essence, yourself.

Anyways, I heard about this in a few of my classes. It is pretty interesting and will open up endless doors of knowledge in the future. The black hole theory was also interesting, but not something I whole-heartedly believed in.

It is interesting to note that thousands of miniature black wholes are created in many experiments, but they are sooo infintesimally small that they vanish in millions of seconds. Interesting stuff, but we are still here.

I do believe it would be much better to be destroyed by a black hole than in any other way. It would happen so quick, you would not even have time to think about it, let alone KNOW what was happening.
Just to ease all of your worries, Only God knows the day in which the earth will end and I guarantee that men will have nothing to do with it.

So all of you go ahead and enjoy your days and just get right with the Lord and you will be fine.
It's protons (the postitive partical part of the atom) they're using and yes, they've already shot the beams down the tubes. They will continue performing the experiment and said it would take a few months to analyze the tons and tons of data they will be receiving.
They have started blasting the subatomic pieces in either direction but not toward each other.

It's like testing the train tracks through a tunnel. "Yup... works in this direction.... yup... works in this direction!"

Time to send in trains from both sides won't come for another couple of months.
This site helpfully lets us know if the dangers of the LHC have become reality.

Also I think the LHC is really exciting. I'm eagerly anticipating the papers about the results as they start doing some real colliding.
I bet Carl Sagan, Steven Hawkings, and Gene Roddenberry would all having a party up there if we all went down!!!!!!!!!
Or if we are lucky, to do some of the space stuff like Star Trek has been doing. That would be great if we can avoid the black holes if we had a spaceship(s) for all of us. Imagine that!
Personally, as a working mom, I'm waiting for teleportation to become a reality! Think of the time we'd save!

I first got interested in string theory and quantum physics because of "Quantum Leap." I wanted to know if any of the science they babbled about had any basis in reality (this was in sixth grade...
). Once a nerd, always a nerd.

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