Did my WH turn into a buff?!?!?


5 Years
May 7, 2018
So I picked up these 2 little ones out of the assorted bin at TSC about a month ago. The lady tried to tell me that the yellow one was a pekin which I was 100% sure it was not due to wrong bill/feet color. It looked just like my Welsh Harlequin duck when I got her from the same TSC last year. It even had the same bill/feet color. When it started feathering, they were coming in exactly like my WH's did. Fast forward a couple of week and he/she is definitely not looking like a WH anymore. I'm pretty certain it may in fact be a buff. I'm pretty excited if it is. This will be my first buff. Also, as a side note, does the KC pictured with look like a drake to you? I was pretty sure it was duck as I'm already hearing a little quack, but the head sure is dark.
Buff, yes.
To me, the KC looks like a drake.
Yeah I was afraid of that. I was hoping for ducks as I already have a KC drake and I have 4 other ducklings at the moment. 3 ancona and one WH x KC that are about 4 weeks old and unsexed. Now I'm just hoping the buff isn't a drake as well. I haven't heard the first sign of any quacks at all. I've had a feeling it was a drake from the very beginning because of how quiet it is.

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